Chapter Forty Three

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They had been living in their new home for a week, though they were still moving things over from the loft. Even though she was happy in the house, Marlene couldn't let go of the lingering sadness that prevented her from feeling completely happy with Sirius in their progressing relationship. She had just finished giving Lily another virtual tour via the magical mirror when Sirius arrived home to find her cross legged on the bed.

"I wish Lily could be here," Marlene said  to him sadly.

He walked towards her, tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and kissed the top of her forehead. "I know. I feel the same way."

"Have you eaten yet? I'm not particularly hungry, but I can make something  for you quick before the meeting starts." Marlene swung her legs from the mattress and moved to stand, but her legs gave out and she stumbled. Sirius's hands reached out for her, catching her before she completely fell. Despite his concern she swatted at his hands and pulled away from him. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You look sort of pale."

"I always look pale," she joked.

But Sirius only frowned. "Paler than usual then."

"I'm just feeling really tired today," she said. She moved away from him and across the room, tucking the mirror into the top drawer of their bedroom bureau where she kept it for her nightly conversations with Lily. "I haven't been sleeping well lately. I'm just feeling stressed, and it feels wrong that Lily and James won't be at the meeting tonight." She drew in a deep breath and then slowly let it go. "Everything just feels wrong all of the time."

"It will be nice to visit them in person tomorrow, remember?" Sirius reminded her. It had been nearly a month since she had last seen the Potters, and she was itching to get some face to face time with her friends.

"Of course, how could I forget?"

"Try not to let their absence get you down tonight, okay?" he said. "We've got tomorrow."

"It's not just that," Marlene groaned. "I hate lying to everyone about this. I'm pretty sure everyone sees right through me. Anytime I'm around somebody I feel like I'm wearing a gigantic sign that says I'm a big fat liar."

"Is someone still giving you a hard time about it?" Sirius frowned and then his voice turned cold, "Is it Remus?"

"Stop it," she warned him. "I don't want to have this conversation again. Remus is not a spy. Any concern on his part is genuine."

Despite her warning Sirius didn't want to let it go. "You always seem so certain that he's innocent - "

Quickly she cut him off, "Because it's Remus! Honestly, Sirius. He's one of your best friends. You've known each other for most of your life. I still don't understand how you can still think he would be capable of betraying anyone, let alone his best friends."

"I just want you to be careful around him, Marlene. Okay? I just don't trust - "

"I get it, Sirius," Marlene snapped. "I'm pretty sure you made that abundantly clear when you followed me to his house in your animagus form. I'm not having this conversation with you anymore. But for the record it's not Remus that I'm worried about. It's Emmeline."

"Of course it's Emmeline," he said, rolling his eyes and thankfully laying off Remus for a moment. "I can talk to her if you'd like."

"Yeah that will go over real great won't it?" Marlene laughed. "Can you just imagine how that would turn out? The first thing she'd do is reem me out for hiding behind you. As if that wouldn't make it any more obvious that we are hiding something from everyone."

"There's an alternative here," Sirius said, shrugging."I can just obliviate your memory of the last month and then you don't have to worry about it being a lie when you tell everyone you don't know where James and Lily went."

Marlene looked at him as though he had grown a second head. "You're joking, right? Please tell me that you're joking."

Sirius smirked. "Of course I'm joking. Just breathe Marlene, and don't let Emmeline bully you anymore."

"If only it was that easy," Marlene muttered bitterly. She moved to exit the bedroom and felt herself grow weak again. She reached out to steady herself against the door frame and Sirius was quickly at her side.

His concern was immediately evident. "Okay it's obvious you aren't feeling well. Why don't you just lie down. I am perfectly capable of making myself something to eat and I can fill you in on the meeting later."

"Absolutely not," Marlene retaliated. "I'm perfectly fine."

"If anything it would give you the perfect excuse to avoid lying to everyone," he said.

"As tempting as that sounds," she replied, "I don't want to miss anything and I don't trust how you're going to react to Remus coming tonight. And no, we aren't discussing it any further than that." She hurried from the room and down the stairs to avoid any further conversation about Remus.


A/N: Only 3 more days until the end! Possibly another chapter later....we shall see ;)

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