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zara's pov
ever since i told harry i was dating jake, he didn't reply back to me. i wonder if he is okay or he is just probably busy working.

does he have a job? i wonder what happened to that "future-ex" girlfriend he told me at the mall. maybe she isn't future? maybe he already broke up with her.

but as my mind was racing, i felt my eyes beginning to feel heavy and I turned off the tv and went to my bed to go to sleep.

harry's pov
i woke up by a loud irish man almost screaming at me.

"harry! wake up," he yelled.

"okay, okay i'm up", i groaned.

"oi, what happened here," he asked.

"what do you mean, i did no-,"then i was cut off at how my house was dirty, messy, beer bottles everywhere, and it looked like the place was crashed.

"you're niall, right," i asked. i just wanted to make sure it was my irish-man niall.

"no, i'm just a leprechaun who came crashing in your house," he said sarcastic.

"really? i thought you were my irish-man," i joked.

"c'mon, mate, let's clean up the house," he says handing out his hand. i took it and got up. for about 2 hours cleaning my house, we were silent, like all you could hear was the trash bags.

"hey, why was this house all crashed," he asked.

" i think it was because this girl, zara, was already taken. even though she is so beautiful. but she's dating now..," i said, remembering her natural beauty taking my breath away.

" is she prettier than emily?"

" yeah, way hotter than that girl."

"hey, i'm having a party this saturday, maybe you can bring her even though she's dating."

"you know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. thanks man," i pat his back.

" hey, that's what i'm here for," he smiles.

"well, i think the whole house is clean, thanks for coming niall."

"yeah, no problem man, bye,"he waves as he heads to the door.

"bye," i waved back and he disappears. so, a party in saturday with zara...sounds like a good party..

zara's pov
i woke up and saw a new text from harry..

hey, want to go to a party this saturday

sure, what time do you want to pick me up

read 10:13

around 8'

alright, see you on saturday ;)
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oh, and wear a dress ;)

okay, see ya ;)
read 10:16

Oh and harry we are friends right?
read 10:16

sure, bye


after 5 minutes of the conversation i had with harry, my phone starts to ring and i accepted it when I saw jakes name. i held it to my ear and answered.

"hello..," i answered.

"zara..," he pants," i need you here, and you have to help me," he almost whispers at the end of the sentence.

"okay, i'll be there in 3 minutes just hang on," i panic.

"okay, but hurry up. bye," he hangs up. i put on my shoes and got my phone and car keys and left my apartment.
*          *          *         *          *          *          *          *         *          *          *          *         *          *          *         *          *      pls love me and the book.

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