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harry's pov
" harry, is that you?"

" do I know you?"

" it's me, jake, jake waters. captain of the football team? i used to bully you back in high school?". oh now i remember him.

" oh yeah, jake waters," that jerk. he bullied me in high school because i was the school nerd.

then half of the year later, i got sick of people bulling me, so i changed the way i looked, got some tattoos, signed up for boxing, and was never bullied again because of my 'popularity'.

" so, how you been man?"

"good..good, and you?"

" i have been catching girls attention still."

" and you have a girlfriend?"

" yeah, her names zara shahz-," as soon as he was about to say zaras last name, i punched him right in the jaw and he fell back and hit the floor.

" ow! what was that for?!"

" for almost raping her you prick," i said. as soon as i was about to be caught, i walked out of the bar and drove to my house for some sleep.

i knew he was that jake, he almost made every girl fall in love with him and he always acts innocent. but i had to tell zara tomorrow at the party.
() the next day ()
zara's pov
instead of waking up from my alarm clock, i woke up at 7 and started at 4 to get ready for the party. i took a shower, brush my teeth, put on some old clothes and put on my makeup that i did for yesterday, grabbed on my red dress with some cute black heels and straightened my hair.

i went to my living room and got everything i need. i heard the door knock at 8 and opened the door to harry.

" ready to go?"

" yep," i said and we went to his black range rover car to go to the party.
() () () ()
as soon as we got to the party, there was loud music and right when you came in, the smell of liquor came into your nose.

there were people grinding each other and playing drinking games. but, mostly people dancing and vomiting. i followed harry and we were at a bar.

" what would you like, zara," harry asked.

" can you give me..sour cherry vodka please," i replied.

" sure, of course,"he said and orders for me. he gave me the drink and ordered a shot of vodka for himself.

as soon as he got his liquor, we took our drinks together with a notice cling and drank the whole shot. then we got interrupted by a blone with vv red lipstick.

" hi harry, haven't seen you in awhile," the brunette said to him. she was wearing a black dress that stopped at her mid-thigh with sleeves. she saw me and then made a disgusting face.

" why are you with this girl, in fact, why did you even bring her," she yelled.My eyes widen.

" first of all, i invited her and i don't want her to be alone and drink crazy like you, and secondly, we are not together anymore, emily," harry said to her. oh this was emily, the ex! she is very pretty, i don't know why harry would dump her though. well he did say she was annoying.

" well, there's always second chances, right garry," she asked in an annoying voice while touching harry. yep, she's annoying.

" no, and get away from me," he said then looked at me," c'mon zara," he grabs my hand and we go outside in his car.

" harry, why are we in the ca-"

" look, you know jake your 'boyfriend'?"

" yeah, and why did you put air quotes on boyfriend?"

" well because me and him went to the same high school and he bullied me." i gasped. jake bullied harry?

" and then he was a player, captain of the football team. and even after high school, he used girls, that's why i want you to dump him, please i don't want you heartbroken," he begged.

" harry this was a long time ago, and besides jakes a sweet and kind guy. he wouldn't use me if he is kind and charming," i said.

he was silent,"then what if i told him you and i kissed?"

" you wouldn't tell him. he will think you are lying or something. look, harry, i love jake and he loves m-," i was once cut off again.

" no, he doesn't love you."

i was shocked.

" excuse me?"

" he doesn't love you, he loves abby."

" whose abby?"

" a girl who's beautiful, and he has been crushing her since middle school."

" then why didn't he ask her out?"

" because he was shy. he doesn't love you."

" harry, i know that's not tr-"

"look zara, he doesn't love you and i know that," he yelled at me. i was shocked and felt my eyes watery.

he sighed," zara, i'm sor-"

" drive me to my apartments, please," i said.

" zara, i didn't mean to sa-".

"drive me home, harry, please," i felt my eyes almost crying. he put the keys in and drove me to my apartments.

once he parked, he said bye to me but i didn't answer back. i went straight to my room and took off my shoes and went in my room sobbing. how could he say that to me?

harry's pov
i felt sorry for yelling at her. its just that i wanted to tell her though. went back to the party and got drunk. once i was done with my last drink, i was with Zayn, i think that was his name,and other girls in a circle playing spin the bottle.

i spine the bottle and it went to emily. eh, i was to drunk to care and kissed her right on the lips. we snogged for a little bit and when we broke, she gave me a red cup.

" here, it's for you."

" what's this," i asked.

" it's vodka, it's really good."

i shrugged and drank the whole cup. i felt a little dizzy and fuzzy but i didn't care. 3 minutes later i was stumbling and emily got me.

" don't worry," she said ," i'll take good care of you."

right when she said that, i felt my vision blacking into darkness.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

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no quote sorry hah

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