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jake's pov
the girl was to familiar to me, but i didn't stop and tried to find out more who that girl was. so, i just kept on walking and minding my own business. but, she could have been anyone, right?

harry's pov
i crashed my lips to zara when we told each other i love you. it was a scene where a girl and a guy fall for each other and needed love between them. that's what it felt like.

i kept slipping my tongue in her mouth and she sucks on it, leaving me wanting more of her. i grabbed her waist and continued kissing her.

she moaned slightly when i grabbed hold on her waist. i pulled her closer to me and our bodies were touching.

but, i didn't want to rush into things while we just barely started dating.

" harry?"

" yeh?"

" i think we should wait and not rush into things. i don't want to make things come sooner than they are."

" don't worry, i feel the same way too. besides, i don't want to ruin our relationship so soon."

" okay, good," she smiled.

i smiled with her and kissed her gently but with passion.

" want to go to my place," i asked," it's getting a little chilly out here."

" sure," she said.

me and her got up and got our things to put it in her car, driving to my place again.

i got my keys out and opened my front door, going inside with zara.

we were both tired so we decided to eat cereal and snuggle while watching a movie.

she wanted to watch scream, while i wanted to watch titanic. i won and put in the movie.

after we ate, we cuddled on the couch with a big warm cozy white blanket on us while watching the movie.

it was beginning and sometimes i would stare at zara by how amazing and phenomenal she looked right beside me, and how i got lucky to meet her.
() during the movie ()

it was on the part where jack and rose were getting away from the old butler and they went inside the car, they were so close together.

they were looking into each other's eyes and kissed.

zara's pov

jack and rose were kissing and i looked at harry while he looked at me.

we both looked at each other in the eyes and he cupped my cheek, leaning in. i also leaned in and we attached our lips together, kissing in movement.

i slipped my tongue in his mouth and he did the same, leaving me a moan. i bit his bottom lip slightly tugged them, making him moan at my action.

we both stopped and looked at each other and stared back at the movie. harry held my hand and i held his too. i could tell that today was the best day with harry.

harry's pov
() after the movie ()

after the movie ended and the credits were popped in the screen, i rubbed my eyes and saw it was 10 o clock at night.

i was about to tell zara how good the movie was until i saw her.

she was sleeping.

i didn't want to wake her up, so i decided to carry her to my room.

i picked her up bridal style and went to my bedroom, putting her under the covers. i laid down next to her under the covers and cuddled with her.

" goodnight, my sleeping beauty," i whispered before kissing her forehead gentle. i closed my eyes and dreaming about how beautiful my darling is, and how nobody can have her but me.

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sorry if late but so cheesy wOW.

i love you people, thank you so much for reading my book that sucks lmao.

vote and comment, love ya.

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