twentytwo ☆ mistletoe

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by: reddieforlove on ao3 (all credit goes to this absolutely fabulous author)


"You know you can just kiss him, right?"

Richie jumped at the sound of Beverly's voice much closer than he expected. He was so busy staring into the crowd of people that filled their apartment that he didn't even see her approach.

"Kiss who?" he said.

Beverly gave him a look, clearly not buying his act.

"The cute guy in the Santa hat? He lives down the hall? Name starts with E? You've been pining after him for months now? Ring any bells?" she said, practically daring him to deny it.

"Never heard of him," Richie said, swirling his eggnog around the cup he held.


"Oh fuck off," he said, though there was a smile tugging at his lips.

They both knew the truth, even if he didn't want to particularly admit it. Richie had never been the biggest holiday person, considering that they were mostly ignored as he grew up. Sometimes he would get a present on a random day of the year when his mom was sober enough to remember that his birthday or Christmas had come and gone with no celebration. If he was being honest, he would have rather not gotten the presents at all. They were just sad reminders of the fact that he was so often forgotten by his own parents. Yet he volunteered the apartment that he shared with Beverly to host the annual holiday party in the middle of December, decorating it all himself while Beverly and Ben came up with a table full of finger foods.

Richie couldn't quite resist being his usual self, even in the midst of his best laid plans, hanging up a sprig of mistletoe in every single doorway in the name of chaos. Or so he said. But Beverly knew him far too well and saw right through it, knowing that he had Eddie Kaspbrak on his mind. Yet as the night progressed, one of two things became increasingly true. Either Eddie had something against doorways or he was making an active effort not to be caught in one with anyone, least of all, Richie. That didn't mean that Richie didn't get his fair share of amusement from the tradition.

The greatest moment of the night so far happened when Stan followed Bill towards the kitchen to find another bottle of champagne, only to run directly into his back when Bill stopped short in the doorway to avoid hitting Mike, who darted to the side just in time to firmly place all three of them beneath the mistletoe. Of course none of it went unnoticed. The second that Richie saw them all trying their very best not to look at one another, he whistled loudly and brought everyone's attention to the trio. It didn't take long for him to convince the entire party to begin chanting their names until all three exchanged very quick kisses.

Stan smacked the back of Richie's head as soon as they went their separate ways, and Bill made sure to keep an eye on the doorways each time he walked through for the rest of the night. An attempt was made at keeping the eggnog away from Richie after that, but he always managed to come up with another cup full of it. The only person he found himself under the mistletoe with was Beverly herself. Of course, neither of them cared, Beverly jumping into Richie's arms just as he lifted her by the waist and pressed a smacking kiss to her lips all while she laughed. But they most certainly weren't laughing now.

"You don't need the mistletoe," Beverly said quietly, propping her chin on Richie's shoulder to look up at him. "Just go kiss him. Do something. I'm tired of watching you mope in the corner."

"I'm not fucking moping," Richie said with a frown.

Of course, Eddie chose that moment to let out a laugh, leaning heavily on Mike with color in his cheeks and the Santa hat lying crooked on his head in an absolutely adorable way. Richie couldn't help the longing look that came over his face and Beverly simply shook her head.

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