fortyfour ☆ that one day

575 8 4

by: reddietrvsh on wattpad

(Part One)

Trigger Warning:
- homophobic slurs
- mention of rape
*Stay safe, lovelies*


Eddie sighed as the bell rang on a Monday morning. "Time for living hell..." he whispered to himself.

Not even five minutes in the hall, Eddie was suddenly pushed up against the wall by his red collared shirt.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me, fag!" the words rolled off of Henry Bower's tongue quickly.

"This is my locker, dipshit," Eddie replied, not realizing he'd just talked back.

His head was thrown back by a fist, and his head hit the lockers. He groaned in pain.

"Oh, so you're talking back now? You better watch it, Kaspbrak. I'm capable of more than you could imagine." He licked his lips, running his clammy hands up and down Eddie's bare thighs. Eddie cringed, he just had to wear his red shorts today.

"Right, and when you graduate the 'School for the Retarded', then you can come show me." Eddie smirked, confidence rising in him. He heard a muffled laugh, and turned to see Richie, his old best friend, holding back a laugh. Eddie hadn't had a real conversation with him since he joined Henry's group, two years ago.

Another punch was thrown to his stomach and he was released, doubling over. He was then kicked three times.

"S-Stop it..." he choked out. He looked to his side to see Henry's friends, glancing at Richie, who was just watching. He looked hesitant to help, but he didn't. Eddie looked back up at Henry.

Henry laughed. "That's what you get, fag, don't forget it." And he left Eddie groaning, holding his stomach. He felt like puking.
Bill and Stan were walking into school laughing, until they noticed their small friend groaning on the floor.

"Fuck. Eddie, are you okay?! What happened?!" Stan asked, helping the fragile boy up. Eddie winced in pain. "M' fine. It was just Hen-" He stood up to only wobble and fall into Bill's arms. "Owww!"

"You don't s-seem fine. Let's get you to the n-nurse."

A figure walked their way. "Eds, are you okay?"

"He's fine, asshole! It's not like you care anyways..." Stan snapped, glaring at the boy who once called him a fag for dating Bill. Richie widened his eyes and sighed.

"C'mon, Eddie, I g-got you," Bill sighed, carrying Eddie to the nurse.


All Eddie could remember was being placed on a bed, eyes slowly closing. He fluttered his eyes open to feel soft lips kissing him on his forehead. The figure's eyes widened. Eddie recognized him instantly and screamed.

"What are you doing here, Richie?! And why are you- What are you- huh, what?!" Eddie rambled on.

Richie let out a breathy laugh. "I came to see if you weren't dead!"

Eddie gave him a confused look. "No shit, Sherlock. I'm alive..."

There was a small silence before Richie sighed. "Listen, you've been asleep all day, and since I know you walk home, I thought I would take you out or something."

Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "Come again?"

"I have to come a first time to do it again."

Eddie cringed. "You're close to me saying no..."

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