fortytwo ☆ stay away

877 14 15

by: trvshmouthtxzier on wattpad


Richie and Eddie were only 13 years old when their nightmares became a reality, and they had to fight a real life shape-shifting demon.

All the Losers' were inside the Neibolt house when Pennywise grabbed Eddie and twisted his arm. The rest of the Losers' chased after him and saved him, and they ran out of the house. Richie broke Eddie's arm back into place, despite Eddie screaming "do not fucking touch me!" and then they called Eddie's mom to take him to the hospital.

Bill tried to explain to the nasty mother what had happened, but she screamed in all their faces - especially Richie's, knowing something was going on between him and Eddie - that they were all monsters. Richie watched Eddie with sad eyes, noticing him crying in the front seat and not making eye contact with any of them. Richie just wanted to scream in Sonia's face to fuck off, but he knew that would only result in worst punishments. Richie just wanted to take Eddie out of the car and hold him and hug him tightly. But he couldn't.

Sonia took Eddie to the hospital, and then afterwards, she took him back to their house where they packed up all their things and left the next morning.

Richie din't even get to say goodbye, he just never saw Eddie again.

Eddie ended up moving to Hawkins, Indiana, where he met new people. But he couldn't stop thinking about Richie.

Eddie was forbidden to ever talk to Richie again, or see him, or anything to do with Richie. Eddie often had nightmares about him though, wondering if he was okay, wondering if Pennywise ever came back, wondering if Richie was thinking about him too.

Although, Eddie made a new group of friends, they still didn't give him any kind of happiness. He wasn't talking to his mother anymore and he avoided her as much as possible. He hated being home and he hated that he had absolutely no way of communicating with his best friends.

It pained Eddie to go to school, because in his new friend group was a boy named Mike, who looked exactly like Richie - but he was more serious and uptight, definitely not the type to joke around like Richie. He also had straight hair; Richie also had straight hair but it was growing out and getting more curly when Eddie had to leave. Seeing Mike just reminded Eddie of the fact that he'd never see Richie again, every single day. Eddie just wanted to run away, but he had only just turned 14  a few months after moving. He had no way of transportation, and his mom sure as hell wouldn't drive him anywhere anyway.

Richie, on the other hand, was thinking about Eddie every single day and worrying about him. He didn't pay attention in school, he rarely talked to anyone anymore, and he spent all his time laying in bed crying, wishing his life was different. He was clearly depressed.


It's been two years since Richie and Eddie had separated. They were both now 15 years old. It's felt like forever, yet they still couldn't even drive. They still haven't made any progress finding each other. Richie laid in his bed on his side, staring at the picture of him and Eddie. Richie dug through old boxes a few months ago and found this picture. It was on the first day of school in 3rd grade, when Richie moved to Derry. That was back before Richie's mom became an alcoholic. He closed his eyes and thought of that day, that day when he met Eddie for the very first time.

He had arrived at school and was scared shitless. He walked in his classroom, his teacher rubbing his back and saying he could sit anywhere he wanted. Richie was a quiet and shy boy at one point in his life, so  he scanned the room for friendly-looking kids. He saw a smallboy with straight brown hair, swooped to the side, sitting by himself. He was drawing and looked pretty nice, so Richie went over and sat next to him.

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