fortysix ☆ lazy day

874 12 3

by: Danielofmanycolors on ao3


Sunlight poured in through the curtains; a small gap between the two of them had been left, allowing the day to seep into the room. There were a few birds chirping, but there wren't enough, nor were they loud enough to be an obnoxious noise to wake up to. There was a slight breeze, causing a nearby branch to knock gently against the window, creating an almost perfect rhythm.

Groaning, Richie rolled over in bed, only to find that Eddie had snuggled himself up to him, his arm draped over Richie's side. He was still asleep, and Richie was glad because it gave him the opportunity to just lay there and admire the man next to him. He looked peaceful; his lips were slightly parted and his eyes weren't scrunched up the way they usually were.

Eddie snored softly and Richie truly thought it was cute. He had never been a fan of snoring before, it got on his nerves honestly, but when Eddie snored? Richie couldn't help but smile. Snuggling back into the bed, Richie pulled Eddie closer to him, resting his chin on the top of Eddie's head. The snoring suddenly stopped and Eddie's grip on Richie had tightened. Pulling away slightly, Richie looked down and saw Eddie looking up at him, his eyes droopy with sleep and a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Mornin', Rich."

"Shh, if you don't say anything, we don't actually have to get up. We can still go back to sleep." Richie smiled down at Eddie and pressed a quick kiss to the tip of his nose before plopping his head back down on the pillow. Eddie hummed in agreement and pressed his face into Richie's chest, feeling his warmth against his cheeks. "You're cute when you're asleep, you know? You should try it more often." With a light smack to the top of Richie's arm, Eddie huffed and rolled his eyes.

"You'd probably look better if you slept more too. I'm not the one who stays up for three days straight."

"I'm just living life, baby." Richie grinned and leaned over, kissing Eddie softly. "It's no my fault you're old and are always tired."

"We're the same age, asshole." Eddie only received a snort from Richie before he felt Richie pressing soft kisses all over his neck and jaw. He worked his way up to his face, leaving a trail of kisses up to Eddie's forehead and back down to his nose. Neither of them said a thing; they were both content with the silence as Richie continued to pepper Eddie's face with kisses. However, Eddie knew he wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep. With a quick, sloppy kiss to Richie's lips, he stretched and rolled out of bed. "I'm going to take a shower, you can join be if you want." He stood in the doorway, waiting for an answer. Richie thought about the offer, extremely tempted to accept, but he decided against it.

"Nah, I think I'm good. I'll take one later, hot stuff." Rolling his eyes with a grin, Eddie nodded and slipped into the hallway. Sighing, Richie stared up at the ceiling, amazed at how he got so lucky. Groaning as he stretched, Richie felt his spine crack in multiple places. "God, I'm old too."
Standing up, Richie made his way into the kitchen in search of food to make for breakfast. Rummaging through the cabinets and refrigerators, he sighed. He figured that it was time that they head to the store. Settling on making toast, Richie grabbed the almost finished loaf of bread and slid the remaining pieces out of the bag to put into the toaster. He could faintly hear the water running and hoped that Eddie's food wouldn't be too cold by the time he got out of the shower; Eddie sure did spend quite a long time under the faucet just letting the water pour over him.

After the bread had popped out, Richie grabbed a couple plates and plopped the toast onto them, flinching at the heat that radiated off of them. Grabbing the butter and jelly, Richie smeared the toppings over the tops of the toast before bringing the plates to their dining table. Although he had wanted orange juice to go with breakfast, Richie just grabbed a couple glasses and filled them with tap water, just a little disappointed.

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