Chapter 15

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"Hey Aussie! How are you?"
Australia strode into the cabin
I warily waved to him.
I honestly didn't expect him to come in the door or even to see him.
"Hey! Why are you here?"
America asked him

Australia shrugged
"I asked Canada where you were and I saw your car outside so, I kinda went from there."
Russia nodded.
They were suddenly relaxed and it was quite disturbing to me since we were just told that we were being watched.

"Russia I'm going upstairs, just call me when you need me!"
And with that I walked up the creaky wooden stairs, leaving them to talk.
I chose the first room on the right and flopped on the bed.

I groaned into the pillow and forced my eyes shut.
I heard the boys laughing and clinking glasses.
It's funny how fast Russia and America went from scared, to laid back. So laid back that they're sharing drinks and joking.

I put my hands over my ears and thought back to the person I saw. Australia didn't look like him. Australia was wearing a hat after all, and the figure I saw wasn't. But he could have put it on after I saw him.

I eventually gave up on trying to sleep and I looked out the window.
The light blinded me for a second and I shielded my eyes to look out towards the forest. I didn't see anything but I just felt more uneasy.

I thought I caught a glimpse of something but it just turned out to be a deer. I laughed nervously at myself for how paranoid I was acting.
"Stop thinking like that, it was probably an animal.
But how was it so tall?

I lay down on the bed again and sighed.
"Stop overthinking." I scolded myself.
My eyes felt heavy despite the fact I was just awake as ever. I yawned and curled up into a ball. The edges of my world went dark until I had fallen into a deep deep sleep.

"Mommy! Mommy! I wanna see the country people! I wanna see the country people!Can I can I can I?"
"Oh goodness sweetheart! Calm down and wait a little, I'll go ask your father."
As my mother walked inside our house to find my father, I sat there. dangling my feet over the grass and weeds. Wind ruffling my h/c hair

I giggled as strands of the green plants moved in the summer breeze and tickled my feet.
I was sitting on what seemed like a brick wall. The stones felt cool underneath my hands and I breathed deeply.
I heard yelling voices from inside the house and I turned to see what was wrong.
"Mommy? Daddy?" I whimpered, slowly standing upright.

I heard my heart beating heavily as I heard louder noises, crashing sounds.
"Are you stupid?! Are you crazy, woman?! I don't know what you're talking about with them but if I find you conspiring against me, working with them, you know what will happen!!"
"D/n please let go of me! I'm begging you! I would never hurt you! I would never work against you! Please! You've got to believe me-OW!"

"Shut the fuck up! Shut the hell up! I don't even want to hear your stupid voice! Don't let my daughter anywhere near them! Don't let my fucking daughter near them ever again! If I find you disobeying me again, you'll be sorry! You'll be fucked! Do you understand?!!"
"Y-yes honey. I-I understand."
Both my parents walked outside. my mother had a fake smile plastered on her face, and a red handprint on her right cheek. My dad stood behind her, shadowing her, watching her.

I started backing away in fear
"Sweetie, com'ere! What's wrong?" My mother smiled with watery eyes.
I started shaking my head and moving away, faster.
"Y/n. Come here. Now." My father said in a seemingly kind tone, but his eyes, oh god his eyes. He looked like he wanted to kill me. He looked like he was ready to kill me.
I just knew I needed to get away.
I dashed across the field we owned. Well, my dad owned.

I heard my mother yelling at me, calling for me. But my father, he was sprinting towards me, catching up to me, with that familiar evil glint in his eyes.
I ran and ran, my legs cramping up with each step. My heart felt like it was beating one thousand miles per hour. I tripped on a rock and as soon as I was about to slam into the floor-

I was in a dimly lit hall.

Rows upon rows of doors were ahead of me but one door stood out to me. I couldn't see what colour it was but I felt compelled to open it. As if it had me in a trance. I walked towards it, but after my first few steps I realised that the doors beside me were coloured. Multiple of them were blue, red and white. The next one along was red and yellow. And a few others were white and red. I realised they were all the colours of flags. White and red, Poland and Japan, Canada and Hong Kong. Red and yellow, China. Blue, red and white, America, Uk, Russia and Australia. Then I heard the banging.

Shouting, thuds and crying came from the doors, I pressed my ear against a white and red door. I heard someone sobbing and begging from behind it. "Hello? Whoever's in there. Are you alright?"
"Y/n! Oh my goodness! Please help me! Please open the door! I'm trapped in here!"
"Poland! Oh my god! Of course!"
Just as I reached for the handle I heard a whisper from behind me.
"You can only choose one."
I hurriedly turned around to see- no one.
"Poland, wait a second."

I heard him sniff
"O-oh, j-just come back, okay?"
I walked towards a white, red and blue door.
"Y/n! Let me out!"
It was Russia
"Y/n? Is that you? Please help!"

"Please! Let me out!"
"Y/n! Y/n! Help us! Please! I'm begging you!"
More and more voices spoke and and begged for help, the crying got louder and louder. I looked at the door at the end of the hall and it swung open into darkness.

I ran towards it, trying to ignore the ever growing sound of banging and crying.
I walked through the door and whispered

"I'm sorry"

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