Chapter 20

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Japan was speeding down the road. Pressing the gas pedal to the floor.
"Japan?! What's the matter?!" I cried, my back pressing against the seat.
"You can't trust Russia Kun." He growled
"You can't trust Russia Kun."
"Why not?"
"I'll show you when we get back to my house. Just let me focus on not crashing."

He continued driving down the road, not slowing down one bit.
I dug my nails into the door handle and silently prayed.
"I'm not going to crash, don't worry. We'll survive, I've driven faster to anime conventions with South Korea Kun. I actually ran over a old lady. Not that it really damaged her, My car and I are pretty much invisible and we phased through her. She didn't realize."
"What the hell? Did she really not feel it?"
"It's easy to forget that we don't affect them. After I stopped the car I and got out to apologize, South Kun ran to her, screaming his head off. And to look if she was injured or killed but she just continued on her day."

I stifled a giggled and gave him a mock concerned look
"Do anime conventions matter to you and South so much that you guys would run over a poor old lady?"
"I guess so." He snickered
"Was it worth it?"
The car came to a screeching halt and I was thrown forwards.
"You bastard."
"Yup!" He said in his cutesy, cheery tone.
He rolled his eyes and opened threw open the door

"Let's go. We have some catching up to do." Japan said sarcastically.
"Catching up? I thought we were oh. You were being sarcastic. Ahah. You're funny." I groaned
"I'm very glad you finally realized, but it's time I show you what I got you for."
He threw the door open, gripped my arm and dragged me inside.
"You know how Germany Kun usaid that he had some recordings of radio transmissions between your dad and his colleagues?"
"He sent me a copy"

"Let's just say I heard something that I shouldn't have. And that the call wasn't just between colleagues that we don't know."
"Like who and what...?"
"No time to explain. Just get in."
He shoved me inside and shut all his windows.
Japan hushed me and motioned for me to follow him to his room.
As we crept down the hall I heard a noise from outside the house.
The look on Japan's face was enough evidence for me to know he heard it too.
He rushed me into his room, slamming the door and locking it behind him.

"I recorded it. You should be able to hear it in a second, just,"
He began typing rapidly and clicking on boxes on his computer screen.
"Y/n come here. Can't risk anyone listening.."
I walked over as he plugged in a set of headphones.
I put them on and he clicked the play button
The start was disoriented and sounded like a glitch but eventually it cleared up. The start was extremely jittery.


Japan adjusted something
"Try again"

"D/n sir-countries with- Russia is-"

I shook my head
He groaned and tried again
"This should fix it."

"D/n, sir, listen to me. All the countries are getting to know Y/n. There is no chance that they'll send her back now! You heard what Russia said! You know what Russia is like! He wouldn't lie to us!"

I went into shock. My body went limp and tears started dancing in my eyes.
Japan hugged me. "I know, I know, it's, it's a big shock...I cant...I can't believe he would do this...."

This is great. I peered in the window, listening to them speak. They think Russia is the culprit, the traitor? Fantastic! This makes everything easier for me-
Bzz bzz
I dashed away from his house and into my car
Only then I looked at my phone
'Four missed calls: from Germany
Incoming call: from Germany'
I picked up.

"Hey. What do you need?"
"So UK just left, are you going to come over and look at the footage or not?"
"Yeah probably. Did you make sure there was nothing incriminating me in the recording?"
"Yup, wait. I sent a copy to Japan and Vietnam without checking it."
"You fucking retard! What the hell were you thinking?!"
"Jesus I'm sorry okay?! I'll delete the ones I sent to them!"
"No use. They've probably already listened and downloaded it ."
"Oh fuck....I need to go. Poland is knocking at my door"

"The hell are you waiting for?! He's already suspicious!"
"I know I know."
He hung up the phone.
Out the corner of my eye I saw the front door start to open.
"Oh for fucks sake...."
I turned my key and slammed on the gas. There's no way in hell I was getting caught. I was able to pull out as soon as they walked out the door.
Let's hope that Sweden is okay with a surprise visit.
I drove down the road, hardly a care in the world.

Bzz bzz
I mindlessly sat there, ignoring it but after the missed calls hit double digits I begrudgingly answered the call, assuming it was Germany again. The guy worries way too much.
"Germs, I already told you, we're gonna be fine."
"Um. Excuse me?"
"Oh sorry France, I assumed you were Germany."
"Hm, I see. I was wondering if you knew where Y/n was."
"No idea, have you asked Russia or Canada?"
"Not yet I haven't. Thank you anyway."
"No problem. Anytime."
"I have one last question though..."
"Yeah? What's up?"

"What were you talking to Germany about?"
Damnit. I knew getting this guy to change the subject was one of the most impossible things in the world.
"I'm pretty sure it was not nothing! So are you going to tell me or am I going to have to call UK, because you sounded like you were being suspicious and you know exactly what happens when you act suspicious when D/n comes into the picture."
"Fine. I was talking to him about-"

A/n: hello again! This'll probably be my last chapter for a while, don't worry, I'm not leaving you on a cliffhanger, oh wait. I am :)) but I would love to hear some of your theories! Have a fantastic day my spoofs!

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