Chapter 26 - All For One, And One For All

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- Strong Language

There will be one or two sex jokes so if you're a precious cinnamon roll I advise you to avoid this chapter.
I thought you all needed a chapter that wasn't about dear y/n's horrendous backstory. So here's a little fun chapter that I wrote just for the sake of shits and giggles. This chapter will affect the story but only by a little.

Sorry for the long wait I had an awful lot of bloody schoolwork recently, its been putting me off a lot of my work. It isn't decent at all.

And yes, i am aware that the story is slowing down in your perspective but that doesn't mean that there isn't something going on below the surface, hell, the traitor might be planning something. I will probably write an explanation chapter detailing the history y/n's family had with the countryhumans, also about specific experiments that affects will come up later in the story.

Also more quick information/explanation thing: France wanted to talk to UK about something he had found that will affect their fates greatly. so that's all the information for future chapter. Meanwhile, please enjoy!

just to get something clear, I might regret this chapter later on.

or not.


I probably will.

Ps. Credit goes to my editors @MythicalPeanut and @AdultOfTheFuture. Please go check them out. They're both amazing people.

oh, and another quick information note:

if there is this font, first person and these: ''

not these: ""

that means Russia is thinking


'The fuck am I doing with my life'

we all wonder these things ruru, you're not alone.
Y/n was standing on the stairs, her thin legs quivering. America immediately dashed to the small girl, wrapping her in a tight hug. He buried his head into the petite female's chest, unknowingly lifting her up a few inches off the ground. She clung to him for dear life as the country continued to detain her in this bear trap of a hug.

Y/n let out a small giggle, embarrassed at how emotional America was acting. North, on the other hand, wasn't so happy.

"What the fuck are you doing out of bed?!"

He yelled at the girl, agitated at the fact that others could see her in this weak and vulnerable state. To him, this was a state that he, and he alone, was only allowed to view her in. Jealously rippled through his mind, contrasting with the denial that he was head over heels in love with this girl.

Russia stood behind North Korea, analysing his emotions and every move very closely. Russia's eyebrows furrowed as reality began to sink in. He knew the person North Korea fancied. Fuck, he fancied them too. It was painfully obvious who was the object of his affection and fantasies.


Russia's recently relaxed posture turned into a tense one, his hands clenching into fists. He was going to make sure that there was no chance or way that y/n,

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