scars: wake up

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back at the base in Britain


I was limping down the haul to the medical ward to see how y/n is doing.

"Oh my god Lena what happened to you?" Angela gasped.

"Y-yeah I'm not in the Best shape either Angie"

"Let's get you patched up oh wow... Lena what happened to you and y/n?" Angela asked as I took the bomber jacket.

"I was sleeping then awoke to the sound of gun fire in the woods where y/n and a couple of friends fighting off some sort of group then we both got a little close to a truck that exploded, then y/n got shot as the timer went off while he was at the foot of this house" I explained.

"This is going to sting for a little while but I gotta pull the small piece of shrapnel" I bit my lip as Angela pulled the small piece out of my left shoulder.

"Alright there just gotta keep it covered so well you know the drill Lena '' Angela said putting some gauges on my shoulder.

"He Angie can I go see y/n?" I ask nervously.

"You can but he isn't in good shape at all and I got to ask what is this?" Angela asked holding up a shirt that said northern outlaws with a skull and crossbones bit with guns and on the front it said war.

"I don't know where his gear is?"

"It's a in the room he's got a fair few guns and knives on him" Angela said opening the door to his room then started to walk away.

"Oh my God y/n you truly did save me from the explosions" I just stared at his tattoo and blood soaked bandage covered body.

I sat down and sunk into the chair next to the bed. I didn't want to or did say much I just sat there in the hospital room rubbing y/n's hand until the phone rang.

"*Sigh* hello?"

"Hey Lena it's Daniel"

"Oh hey luv what ya need?"

"Would you care if I came to see y/n?" Daniel said nervously

"I suppose so he's like family to you. Remember how to get here?"

"Yeah I think so I should be a a day or so out"

"Ok can you bring that duffle bag that's in my room and the dodge demon?" I ask starting to choke up.

"Yes I can... Lena what's wrong?"

"I-its y/n he's barely hanging onto life" I said starting to cry.

"Lena it's ok he's probably been through worse I'll be there as soon as I can" Daniel said hanging up.

I look over his tattoos on his right arm and the outlaw Confederate flag and a AR-15 caught my eye"what are you a part of y/n"

After a few hours I got comfortable in the chair and fell asleep.

Waking up after a 3 hour nap I needed to go see Winston because I know he is worried about me, so I make my way down the hall to his lab.

"Winston you awake luv?"

"Yes tracer? You alright?" Winston asked coming down to greet me.

"I'm alright just in a little pain" I said showing Winston the bandages.

"What happened?"

"Just some cuts and shrapnel shards that Angela pulled out"

"But y/n protected me from majority from the blast when he jumped on me and he took majority of the shrapnel"

can never go home again. (Tracer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now