Untitled Part 2

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Hyrule University was nice enough to provide a quiet, empty room for them to use. They were given one of the empty art studios. The smell of oil paint and turpentine clung to the walls, and there were at least a dozen old art stands pushed to one corner. There were no windows, which they specifically asked for.

Warriors, Twilight, and Sky sat in the middle of the room. They had set up a foldable table, and on it were a stack of papers full of photographs and resumes.

"Look at this," Warriors groaned, holding out one resume towards Sky. "This person thinks they're a Hero because they got a 4.0 GPA in high school."

"I got a better one," Sky said, sliding over a sheet. "This person thinks they qualify because they once gave their leftovers to a homeless person."

Twilight didn't bother joining in the game, though he had plenty to show off. He tossed resume after resume over his shoulder, reading them and discarding them just as fast. One person said they could be a Hero because they enjoyed music of different genres. Another claimed they were a Hero because they were descendants of Hyrule nobility. They even provided a detailed family tree. One person just stapled a twenty rupee note to one resume which Twilight just pocketed and then tossed the paper into the rejected pile behind him.

Warriors saw this and said, "Hey, how come it's okay for you to take bribes but not me?"

"Be quiet and I'll buy lunch with it."

"...Alright. But in all seriousness, have we found anyone who could possess the Hero's Spirit?"

Sky looked miserably at the small amount of papers they did manage to keep. There were only ten.

"Are we doing this the wrong way?" Sky asked. "Is this truly the best way to find our companions?"

"That's how we found him," Twilight said, shoving a thumb towards Warriors' direction. Warriors waved.

"Yes, but..." Sky shrugged. "I've been reading up on how the heroes used to be found long ago. They held huge tournaments, contests of bravery and skill..."

"But also remember a lot of people died during those things," Warriors said. "Many people pushed themselves too hard or tried to murder the others to thin out the competition."

"All they see is the fame and fortune," said Twilight. "It was no different then and it's no different now. We could wait till a great crisis occurs and for a new Hero to arise, but I'd rather for us to be prepared." He tossed another resume behind his shoulder. "I'll admit it though... it does feel pointless."

"Ugh," Sky groaned and stood up. "This talk is getting too dark. I propose a break. There's a new coffee shop that opened down the street. I hear it's amazing."

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, I'm going cross-eyed. I can go for some coffee."

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