Part 7

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The rented ballroom of the Hotel Nayru was almost as lovely as the ballroom in Hyrule Castle. It was empty at the moment, its table and chairs tucked away for future events. The walls were decorated with golden wallpaper, which seemed to shine whenever the light hit just right. The carpet was so pristine, it looked as if they just laid it down yesterday. To complete the elegant look of the room, a giant crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. Definitely a step up from the cold, drafty art room.

Warriors whistled. "Hoo-wee! Look at this place. Haven't been in a room this fancy since my introduction."

"It's lovely," Sky agreed. "A fitting place to meet our new companion. How soon are we to expect them?"

Twilight checked his phone. "Time's ETA is about ten minutes."

They were also dressed more formally than usual. They traded in their jeans for black trousers, their simple graphic Ts for ironed white shirts and jacket suits.

"After years of searching," Warriors murmured. "Is there a possibility Time is wrong?"

Sky held the Master Sword in his arms, swathed in the same blue silk as before. A gentle smile tugged at his lips. "He's never wrong," he said, hugging the sword closer to his chest.

There was a knock at the double doors, catching their attention. Twilight barely moved towards them when they suddenly burst opened with a bang.

"What's up, bitches?" Legend exclaimed, walking in like he owned the place. He looked like he just walked off the beach, wearing shorts, slippers, and a loose fitting shirt. "Didja miss me?"

"Not for a single second," said Warriors. "Get over here and give me a hug, you bastard. How you've been?"

Legend embraced his friend, slapping him on the back. "Tired," he answered. "I came as soon as I could, but trying to find a cheap flight out of Koholint Island is not easy. Are the others here yet?"

"Knock-knock," said another voice from the doors. "We're not late, are we?"

It was Hyrule and Swords. Swords gave a two finger salute as a greeting. He was dressed like every other college student around the quad, wearing an oversized hoodie and his hair tied back in a loose ponytail. Hyrule always dressed like he was going to church. He wore ironed trousers and a solid colored shirt.

Handshakes and hugs were exchanged all around.

"Guys!" said Twilight. "You came just in time. It's good to see you. I thought you'd be too busy to come."

Swords snorted. "If Time found a Hero, they're legit and I want to see."

Time was the one who found Twilight, Hyrule, Warriors and his twin sister, Linkle. He's also located and identified several princesses. Though Sky carried and looked after the Master Sword, Time was the one whose face was featured in majority of the magazines and newspapers. He absolutely hated paparazzi, and he was the one who helped put in place several laws that restricted younger heroes from getting photographed. If it wasn't for those laws, Twilight and the others would be hounded every day of their lives.

"Speaking of..." Warriors said, looking out at the empty hallway. "Has anybody seen my sister? She said she landed but she should've been here already."

"She got lost," said everyone at the same time.

"Aw, c'mon! Have more faith in her! She can't be lost, she's probably-" His phone notification dinged and he looked down at the screen. His shoulders slumped. "She caught the wrong plane. She's in Termina."

"Told ya," said everyone in unison again.

"Fuck all of you."

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