Part 15

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By the time Twilight entered the rented room at the gym, the others had already finished setting up the mats on the floor. Wind looked eager to begin, running across the room with a boyish giggle, his naked feet slapping loudly on the mats. He spotted Twilight and Wild and ran over to greet them.

"Hi!" he said immediately to Wild. "Are you another Hero?"

"Um..." Wild said.

"No," said Twilight. "This is my friend. I hope you don't mind if he tags along today."

Wind shook his head. "It's alright. I like your scars!"

"Thanks," said Wild awkwardly.

Wind jogged back to the mats. Legend came over.

The man always looked like someone used his toothbrush. Though he was dressed like a beach bum, a tingle of intimidation went up Twilight's back. Legend was an unknown force to be reckoned with. He was stupidly smart; he knew four languages, was a musical prodigy, and had more magical items in his possession than should be legally possible. Even Twilight's own princess occasionally sought Legend's help in certain matters. If he wanted, Legend could rule this land.

"Who's this?" Legend asked, looking Wild over with a critical eye.

"This is my friend, Wild." Twilight said. "I invited him."

Wild gave a short wave which Legend did not return. "Since do we allow citizens privy to our meetings? Just cause he's your friend doesn't make that okay."

Before Twilight could answer, Wild popped the lid off the box and held it out. "I brought cookies."

Legend's gaze narrowed. "Is this a bribe?"

"Of course it is."

"And you think you can win us over with..." He pulled out one cookie, looked it over and took a bite. He expression suddenly brightened. "Holy shit. What is this?"

"Macadamia nut and fudge."

"Bribe fucking accepted!" He snatched the box out of Wild's hands and turned back to the others. "Hey everyone, this is my new best friend Wild!"

Warriors yelled back, "You better share those cookies with the rest of us!"

"Try and take it from my dead cold hands!"

Wild grinned at Twilight. "Well that was easy."


"Today we're gonna teach you how to fall."

Wind blinked up at Warriors, confused. "What... like a trust fall?"

"Absolutely not. These guys totally cannot be trusted-"

"I will drop you like a carton of eggs!" Legend yelled from the edge of the mats.

"-what you're learning is how to fall without hurting yourself too much. A bad fall can hurt your back. While a minor back injury won't put out a Hero permanently, it will still hurt like a son of a bitch. I'll demonstrate a proper fall."

Warriors walked to the middle of the mats, giving himself room. He then tilted to one side, and just before he struck the ground, he tucked and rolled, landing perfectly fine. "See what I did?"

"You... rolled."

"Yes. A body in motion stays in motion. So don't try to fight gravity, don't stop your momentum, go with it. I also protected my head, and I tucked my arms and legs on to protect my torso."

"When do we practice with the sword?" Wind asked, looking longingly at the Master Sword sitting on a nearby table.

"When you fall without hurting yourself." Warriors clapped his hands together. "Alright, let's pair up and practice!"

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