Part 5

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Twilight wished they could have this ceremony in a more prestigious area instead of in the empty art room. Long ago, Heroes were chosen in front of crowds of thousands. Overlooking the ceremony was the royal family themselves, dressed in their finest, the princess giving divine prayers to those who came. An entire week was dedicated to the Choosing, followed by celebrations. All of that changed when people would use the ceremony as an opportunity to kill or maim the Heroes.

It was better to keep things quiet.

Standing in front of Sky, Warriors and Twilight, were two potential heroes. One man, one woman. The woman was named Ashi. She was a short, thin, woman barely coming up to Twilight's chest. She had a bowl haircut, thin black eyes, and pink chubby cheeks. Small as she was, Ashi was a Judo master, an experienced lifeguard with twelve rescues under her belt, and was training to become a social worker. She reminded Twilight of Swords.

Next to her was the young man named Charles. He was a tall, well-built man. He had curly brown hair that reached past his ears, and a cocky grin that could rival Warrior's. Charles was a trained firefighter, only just graduated two months back. When he was not training, he volunteered at the local hospitals.

Both had the potential to be Heroes.

Sky stepped forward. In his arms he carried a bundle wrapped in blue silk. Very gently he placed the bundle onto the table, the unfolded the silk revealing the Master Sword. "I assume you both know what this is."

Ashi's hands flew up to her mouth and made a small sound like a mouse sneezing. "The Master Sword," she said quietly. "I've read so much about it. I never thought I would see it up close in my lifetime."

Charles nodded. "Same. It's like something out of a fairy tale. It feels unreal to be here."

Sky smiled. He stepped away from the table, gesturing to the sword. "She will be your final test."

Both Charles and Ashi visibly startled. Ashi swallowed. "Are we expected to fight each other...?"

Warriors burst out laughing. Twilight nudged him to be quiet.

"Oh heavens, no," said Sky. "We would never do that. Understand that the Master Sword is no mere weapon. She has a soul. She has a personality. She was created by the Goddess herself, infused with Her divine power. She is eternal, she is thoughtful, and she will determine if you are worthy of her. A single touch will do."

Charles hummed. "If in the end all it takes is for the sword to decide, why not just let people line up and touch one by one? I'm sure that process will be faster than this interview stuff."

It was Twilight who answered. "Because if you are not a Hero and you try to touch her, she burns through your flesh like acid."

A droplet of sweat ran down Charles' neck. "They never mentioned that in the books."

"They don't mention it as a burn," said Warriors. "They call it a... holy mark, I think. Something historians put a spin on to decrease their humiliation for becoming rejected Heroes."

"I see..."

Sky pulled the sword out of its scabbard. Even in the dim light of the room, the sword shimmered ethereally. He held it out for the two to take.

"Potential Heroes of Hyrule," he began. "By taking this sword, you take on the responsibilities with it. You are to protect this kingdom, its people, and its values, with your very soul. You will be bound to this sword as she is bound to you. If you feel in your heart you've been blessed by the Goddess Herself, then please, take the hilt and awaken your destiny."

Ashi stepped forward. Her hand trembled as she reached out, hovering just above the hilt. Her fingers twitched, curling and uncurling like she was fighting against them. After a long second, she pulled back, resting her hand on her chest.

"I don't think I'm worthy..." She said softly. "When I started this program, I thought I would be rejected outright. Me, as Hero? I only did it for a lark. Something to put on my resume. I didn't think I would ever get this far. Thank you for considering me... but I don't think I'm the Hero you're looking for."

"That's alright," said Sky. "If you believe this to be truth in your heart, you should listen to it."

He turned towards Charles.

The muscles in Charles' cheeks tightened as he stared down at the hilt. Like Ashi, his hand twitched in indecision. Then, after a few seconds, he huffed and said, "Fuck it," and grabbed the hilt.

He might as well been grabbing onto a burning piece of coal. Charles gave out a bellowing cry of pain, and wrenched his ruined hand back. His entire palm was severely burned, the skin turning black. Smoke rose from his flesh as Warriors rushed forward with ice, shoving it onto his burning flesh.

"My hand!" Charles sobbed as Warriors wrapped his palm in gauze. "My hand!"

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