Chapter 3: The Thyrsian General

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After the three red suns rose on the third morning, Rasanna, Alyla, and the Mandalorian arrived on the eopies at the village of Annan. The village was somewhat different than Rasanna's village. There was no wall surrounding the village, instead there were several willow trees all around the edge of the village where orange carrier butterflies were seen, flying around. The homes were small and round made of wood and mud and thick thatch of grass along with a wide opening as the door. There was a small river that ended in the center of the village, where a well stood.

Some Echani men and women were seen guarding the village, while others tended their crops, some were seen arriving or leaving the village on eopies that carried bags of food, spices, spare engineering parts or clothing. Children were seen running around the village, playing in the willow trees. A woman approached the three of them. She wore silver robes with a blue tunic, black boots, and white pants. She carried a vibrosword around her belt. The woman's eyes lit up upon seeing Rasanna. 

"Rasanna, thank the stars you've arrived!" She exclaimed. "The General of the Thyrsians along with a group of Thyrsians soldiers have made camp outside our village."

"We shall deal with them at once, Devona." Rasanna assured her.

After the three of them dismounted off their eopies, the woman called Devona noticed the Mandalorian. She furrowed her brows. "Where did you find a Mandalorian?"

"Mandalorian, this is Devona, the chieftess of Annan village. Devona this is Mandalorian, the newest member of my village." Rasanna said, introducing them both.

The Mandalorian bowed his head, which Devona returned. Devona then offered him a smile. "Any villager of Rasanna's is a friend of mine."

"Show me where the General of Thyrsians is." Rasanna ordered.

"Of course." Devona said before turning towards the village. She shouted out. "Shannon! Ahearn!"

At that moment, an Echani woman and man emerged from the willow trees and made their way towards the four of them. Once they approached them, Devona spoke up. "They will take care of your eopies. Now follow me."

As Shannon and Ahearn took care of the eopies, Rasanna, Alyla, and the Mandalorian followed Devona. They walked past their village and towards a forest, where there was a fence around tents made of gill-goats' skin and the Thyrsians that wandered about inside. Two Thyrsians stood outside the camp with Force pikes in their arms. The two Thyrsians wore red long tunics with crimson capes, armor over their clothing, bronze helmets, and white pants with armor over their arms and legs as well. They had the emblem of the three red suns of Thyrsus on the armor of their shoulders. Once the four of them reached the two Thyrsians, they immediately pointed their Force pikes towards them.

"Halt! This is the Thyrsians' campgrounds." One of them stated.

"Come any further and we will be forced to attack." The second one added.

"Fine, then you will have to tell your General the reason for our delay." Rasanna retorted.

The two Thyrsians exchanged a look. Their faces grew pale as they realized who she was. The first Thyrsian spoke up, but stumbled over his words. "C-chieftain...Fenni?"

"The very one." Rasanna replied.

The Thyrsians continued to stare at Rasanna in awe. The two Thyrsians had not ever seen the Chieftain in person. They had only heard of her from the General and others who had met her. Devona, on the other hand, became annoyed with them.

"Well, are you going to escort them to the General or are you just going to stand there, staring at the Chieftain?" Devona questioned, crossing her arms.

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