Chapter 4: Her True Identity

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Once Rasanna, Alyla, and the Mandalorian arrived at the Beatha village, Aodhan greeted them outside by the arch. Two Echani guards stood beside the arch on duty.

"Chieftain Fenni, I got your message. How did it go?" Aodhan inquired.

"Terribly. There is a new General of the Thyrsians and he refuses to work with us." Rasanna explained.

"His name is Brunus and he wants all the Echani to leave Thyrsus." Alyla chimed in.

"Sounds like a great person." Aodhan retorted in a sarcastic tone.

"You have no idea." The Mandalorian added.

With that, they walked into the village. Echani men and women were going about their daily routine; some tended their crops, others placed their crops and goods on sides of the eopies, prepared to venture out to the other villages, a number of them were busy making tunics, robes, pants, or other goods like weapons, pottery, or simple furniture for the Echani homes, a few of them played string instruments, drums, and flutes, and a handful of them worked alongside the astromechs. Weekly, Echani merchants came from different villages to sell spices, bantha and grov meat, tools, jewelry, components for the droids, and other useful items. A handful of Echani returned to the village with chunks of wood in their arms.

The child was with Attie, Isolde, and a few other kids. The necklace Rasanna gave him was tucked away inside his tunic. They were running around the village as the tooka-cats chased after them. As soon as the child saw Rasanna and the Mandalorian, he made his way towards them. The Mandalorian and Rasanna watched as the child slowly made his way towards them. He let out a giggle as he reached them. Instead of walking up towards the Mandalorian, he first approached Rasanna. He wrapped his small arms around Rasanna's leg as he cooed. Rasanna could feel her heart melt as she looked down at him. The Mandalorian turned to Rasanna at once. "You see? He's fond of you."

Rasanna couldn't help but crack a smile at his words. Aodhan cleared his throat, interrupting the blissful moment. "Now what do we do, Chieftain Fenni?"

At Ahodhan's words, everyone turned to look at Rasanna. Many of the Echani in the village who were near them and overheard their conversation, glanced over at Rasanna. She hesitated. Rasanna knew that as long as Brunus was the General, the Thyrsians would follow his orders without question.

"We go about our daily routine, but we remain alert." Rasanna urged. "I'm afraid the time for battle is near."

"All right, you heard the Chieftain. Back to your routine!" Alyla ordered.

At Alyla's words, everyone continued what they had been doing. Rasanna knelt down beside the child. She then heard his stomach gurgle.

"Why you must be hungry. Why don't we go to my home and I can make you a delicious meal." Rasanna suggested. She glanced over at the Mandalorian. "You're welcomed to join us if you like."

"I would like that." The Mandalorian stated.

The three of them then walked towards Rasanna's home, which lied near the middle of the village. It wasn't long until they reached her home, which stood next to a tall tree with crimson red leaves. There were several convorees perched on the tree. Rasanna gave them a smile as she passed by. As soon as they walked in, Rasanna glanced over at the ladder, leading to the storage area where the chest box with the symbol of the Jedi Order.

It lied in front of the several baskets she had. Discreetly, she looked at the box before concentrating as she reached out the Force. In a heartbeat, the box was pushed towards the back of the storage area. Rasanna then made her way to the fireplace where an iron pot hung on the side. She grabbed pieces of salted grav meat from a basket that stood next to the fireplace.

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