Chapter 2: Change Of Plans

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The Echani Firedancers stopped fighting at once upon hearing Alyla's words. The Mandalorian didn't know what was going on, but he knew it wasn't good. Rasanna's face hardened. "How long ago was this?" 

"Our guards at the border sent a hologram not too long ago." Alyla mentioned. "I came as soon as they sent the message."

"Send everyone back to their homes, the soldiers will come with us." Rasanna ordered.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" The Mandalorian offered.

Alyla and Rasanna turned to look at him upon hearing his words. Rasanna hesitated. "I'm afraid not, Mandalorian. Your presence might agitate them."

"Or it'll make them think twice before they attack us." Alyla suggested. "Mandalorians are the only warriors that rival the Echani."

Rasanna looked over at Alyla, rather baffled. The Mandalorian was also shocked upon hearing Alyla's words.

"Did you just compliment me?" The Mandalorian asked.

Alyla scoffed. "No, I'm just saying that your presence, as much as I'd hate to admit it, may be needed."

Rasanna thought about Alyla's words. Perhaps she had a reason. There was no way that the  Thyrsians would want to mess with him once they discover a Mandalorian's with them. 

"You may have a point, Alyla. All right. Mandalorian, you can come with us. But first, Alyla make sure someone is watching over the Mandalorian's child." Rasanna urged. 

Alyla nodded. "Right away." 

Alyla and the Mandalorian then searched for the child amongst the villagers. Rasanna then glanced over at an Echani man. He stood alongside his wife, Morna, and two children; a girl around the age of ten and a boy around the age of eight.

"Aodhan, gather all the soldiers of the village. Tell them to wait outside of the village until further notice." Rasanna ordered.

"Yes, Chieftain Fenni." Aodhan replied, giving her a small bow.

Rasanna then rushed to her home. She hurried over to her storage area where the chest box with the Jedi Order symbol lied. Rasanna then opened the box, revealing a lightsaber. Meanwhile, the Mandalorian and Alyla entered the Mandalorian's home after being informed that the child was brought back here. They scanned the entire area for the child, but they could not find him.

"Where's the child?" Alyla asked.

"I don't know. I thought they brought him back here." The Mandalorian argued, his frustration and worry growing.

"Tosia said they did." Alyla retorted, getting irritated. "Where else could the child have gone?"

The Mandalorian thought of Alyla's words for a few moments before he knew the answer to Alyla's question. He wasn't sure if he was right, but he just had a feeling.

"Rasanna." The Mandalorian said.

Without waiting for Alyla's response, the Mandalorian rushed out of his new home. Alyla furrowed her brows as she yelled out. "Hey Mandalorian! Where are you going?!"

She let out a frustrated sigh before chasing after him. Back in Rasanna's home, Rasanna took out her lightsaber from her chest box. She then ignited the dual bladed lightsaber, revealing two Marigold yellow blades. Rasanna heard the humming of the blades as she swung the lightsaber around. At that moment, she heard a giggle. Rasanna immediately turned around to see the child standing before her. She immediately turned off her lightsaber, placing it around her belt. Rasanna then knelt beside the child.

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