Lonely Streets in Gay Displays

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Caledonia weaved her way through the crowd, she felt someone push into her and she went flying into a tall man. He turned around and looked her up and down,

"Hey there darling..." He slurred, Dia nodded her head,

"I'm sorry for bumping into you I was pushed." She apologized, he grabbed her waist,

"Nothing a kiss couldn't fix." He whispered letting his hand flow down her hourglass figure, Dia pulled away but he was holding her strong,

"I don't think so..." She said reaching up and slapping him, he stumbled back and she bent down towards the ground,

"What the...?" He said as she wiped her foot underneath him knocking both of his feet from underneath of him, he fell to the ground. She walked forward and put her black slippered foot on his neck,

"Don't ever treat a woman like that..." She hissed, he looked up at her fear in his eyes. She took her foot away from him and stepped back disappearing into the crowd. Morris looked at his first mate a tall man with dark red hair and bright green eyes,

"Riley, find out who that girl was..." He said motioning to where Dia had just been, Riley looked at Morris and nodded leaving the conversation that he was in to go find this mystery woman.

Riley weaved through the crowd like a needle through cloth. He heard men muttering about the fair haired woman at the bar. Her hair was the color of sunshine and her smile was like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. She pushed her hair out of her face, her skin as smooth as silk and pale as an egg's shell. Her eyes were a pure blue that would stare into the depth of your soul, piercing your spirit. Her features were soft and she wore a silk shirt with intricate details sewn in, the ends were gold and she wore matching pants. Her feet were engulfed in a soft black slipper, she stood up and walked with grace, she swayed with the crowd. It looked more like a dance then a walk, Riley followed her outside where she turned around slightly,

"Can I help you?" She asked her voice like honey,

"I was just wondering what your name was?" Riley asked his voice gruff compared to hers, she smiled her candy pink lips curling up,

"And why may I ask?" She asked turning around, Riley went to say something but Morris stepped in,

"I was wondering milady." He said walking past the stumbling Riley and taking Dia's hand giving it a kiss.

Dia looked at the man that was in front of her, he was tall. A long coat dripped from his shoulders and ended at the ankle of his black leather boots. She smiled kindly and looked into his brown eyes, her eyes climbed up and she looked at his hair. A short dark brown mess that seemed to entice her, her eyes danced down to his lips which curled up in an alluring smile. He wore a vest that was the color of the deepest darkest sea, rings hugged his fingers,

"My name is Caledonia, and you are the Captain Morris correct?" She asked, Morris felt intoxicated by his name on her sweet tongue,

"Aye, that is me." He said, Dia took a step closer,

"I seek your help." Morris raised an eyebrow, he had just been dealt a card... a very good, beautiful card, "My master told me of a flower, but it is not here. I was hoping that you could take me there."

"I am not a taxi Caledonia, there is always a price." Morris said admiring his rings and flashing Dia an evil smile,

"I assumed you would say that, this flower that I speak of holds great magic. And if I am not mistaken you wish to take revenge on a man by the name of Alastair?" Dia said dealing him a new card,

"How do you know of that?!?" Morris asked turning hostile, Riley retreated back into the tavern. Caledonia stepped back giving him space,

"I know of many things Morris, I do my research. Now are you in or out?" She asked standing with poise that only made Morris even more angry,

"Fine." He snarled, "But it is my ship and I will be in charge." Dia smiled,

"By all means." She in a docile manner, Morris walked into the tavern and barked a command. He then turned to Dia his coat fluttering in the wind,

"This way." He said motioning to down the slender cobble stone street. Caledonia followed him to the harbor, she peered down. This village was centered on an enormous mountain, the Captains boat was an air ship. Dia walked along the plank not looking down, Morris noted her nervousness. He lead her down to the men's quarters, there was a little room that was filled with crates,

"You can sleep here, just move some crates and here are some blankets..." He arranged the crates so they were the length of her body and draped some blankets over them to soften them up. He tossed a bag of rice on for a pillow,

"Although you could always join me." He offered, she ignored him and continued to move crates,

"Good night Captain." She said leading him to the door and shutting it behind him. Morris stood there for a minute, how rude of her to just ignore him and kick him out. This was his ship he thought to himself.

The next day

Morris walked onto the deck and saw Caledonia staring off into the distance,

"Where too?" He asked, Caledonia turned around to find herself inches away from the Captain,

"We shall be headed to the Forest of Fear." She said, the sacrosanct on his face proved Caledonia's fears,

"Riley, we are going to the Forest of Fear." He said not breaking eye contact with Caledonia, she turned around,

"Is it as bad as they say?" She asked,

"Aye." Morris responded turning away and leaving Caledonia to her thoughts and worries.

Night bled into day and soon the sky was dark, Caledonia sat and watched as the men danced and sung. She smiled and tapped her foot and clapped her hands, the Captain was sitting in the back of the dinner room. It was filled with tables and chairs and then a little place for the men to play their instruments. One of the men walked up to Caledonia,

"Do you sing?" He asked innocently, Caledonia shook her head and smiled,

"I'm sorry I do not." She lied, he put his hands on his hips, and started to chant her name. Soon the whole crew that weren't on duty were chanting. Morris watched as she stood up and took to center stage,

"Alright..." She said clearing her throat,

Horizon rising up to meet the purple dawn

Dust demon screaming, bring an eagle to lead me on

For in my heart I carry such a heavy load

Here I am on Man's road

The sailors sat no one breathing a word while she sang, her voice seemed to dance from her pink lips. When she stopped they all sat in silence, Caledonia's cheeks flushing a bright red. She smiled shyly and the Captain started to clap, slowly everyone joined. Caledonia sat down and everyone continued with their shanties and merriment. Morris walked over to Caledonia,

"May I talk with you?" He asked, she nodded and followed him into his cabin,

"All we are doing is talking." She said to the Captain, he nodded,

"Yes that is all we are doing. Now tell me Caledonia, who are you?" He asked leaning on his desk and crossing his arms, Caledonia shook her head panic picking at her insides,

"What do you mean?" She asked, Morris looked her up and down,

"Who are you? " He asked again, getting up and starting to walk around her. Like an animal stalking it's prey,

"My name is Caledonia, that is all you need to know Morris." Dia said harshly, he raised an eyebrow,

"I have my secrets and you have yours. We are merely people with a common goal helping each other, not lovers." Caledonia said harshly, Morris stopped walking,

"We shall see about that..." He said leaning back on the desk, Caledonia rolled her eyes and exited his cabin and went back to hers.

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