I'm Alive

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Days passed by and Caledonia moved into the Captain's quarters. She danced with the men but was careful not to sing. Her singing could attract the unwanted attention of the harpys. Morris soaked up every move and word that Caledonia said like a man that hadn't drunk in weeks. Caledonia fell more and more in love with Morris with every word that crossed through his lips and reached her ears and every single swift, boulderish movement he made. Caledonia watched as Morris shaved, she held her head in her hands her eyelids slightly closed, neither of them had slept much that night. The ship tilted to the side and Morris let out a yelp as he cut himself,

"Morris! Are you alri-" Caledonia fell to the floor when the ship was thrown to the other side, Morris ran to her and held her,

"What on earth is going on?!?" Morris exclaimed, Caledonia looked at him, her eyes telling him that she was just as clueless as he was.

Morris stumbled out onto the deck, Caledonia not far behind him. He was wearing a black collared shirt and black pants with his black leather boots. A dark red cloth was tied around him adding a splash of color. Caledonia was wearing her dark brown pants and black mary janes, her pants cuffed. For a shirt she had her loose cream shirt and no corest. Her hair was tied back with a pink ribbon that Morris had given her.

She looked up and the boat shuttered, pegasus' surrounded them. They were very peaceful creatures, but not when it came to intruders. Unicorns were the same way, but unlike their winged brethren they watched their intruder before attacking. Morris barked commands at his men,

"We are catching ourselves a winged horse!" He exclaimed, Caledonia's eyes grew big,

"What are you planning on doing to it?" She asked, Morris looked at her brutality in his eyes, something she had never seen,

"We are getting ourselves a pair of wings..." He said, Caledonia felt him reach into her chest and pull out her heart.

Back in her forest she had come across an injured pegasus, she had nursed him back to health and they had bonded over time. He had a blue main and walked with the grace that neither a deer nor she herself had. His name was Edward. He had jet blue eyes and had been so kind to her. He told her of his adventures, at that time she had never left the forest. He visited almost regularly. She loved him, he was her brother... they swore on it. It happened so quickly, there was a flash of blue and there he was. Laying on the deck of the ship, he was covered in a netting so thick that it held him down, the pegasus' retreated into the clouds to watch. The Captain walked over to where his men were crowded around and pulled out his knife, it gleamed in the light. Caledonia shoved her way past the men and as the Captain was about to bring down his knife she stood in front of him,

"STOP!" She screamed bringing up her hand, Edward watched,

"Caledonia..." He breathed, the men gasped... they did not know that he could talk,

"Caledonia what are you doing?" Morris asked bringing down his knife,

"Edward..." Caledonia breathed collapsing to her knees and wrapping her arms around her friend...her brother,

"Caledonia I have searched for you tirelessly... when I heard you left your forest I was so worried! I thought something bad had happened to you..." He said tears slipping down his cheeks,

"Something bad did happen, but it's over now." Caledonia said tears falling to the deck, she felt hands around her waist and she was pulled backwards,

"NO! NO!" Caledonia screamed at the top of her lungs as the men dragged Edward away, Morris held her back, "Let me go! Morris you can't take his wings!"

"Caledonia, we will discuss this later..." He said shoving her down, she fell hard,

"Stop no!" She screamed again jumping to her feet and punching Morris straight in the jaw,

"Dia stop!" Morris screamed turning around and walking towards Edward, Dia felt so much anger and resentment for Morris... all love for him left her,

"You're just as bad as that man I gave to the harpys." Caledonia said, Morris turned around on his heels. He stormed towards her, his hands clasped around her throat,

"I am nothing like him!" He howled, Caledonia looked behind him at Edward. The men were watching Morris, Caledonia met eye contact with Edward before he shook off the net and flew away. Morris turned around at the sound of his wings, he screamed at the top of his lungs but all was quiet. There was no more attack, the only thing left to deal with was Caledonia.

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