I was Innocent and Wise

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"All hands on deck!" He screamed, men scrambled to get to their positions. Caledonia stood next to him,

"What's happening Morris?" She asked looking at him concern on her face,

"Harpys... that what's happening..." Caledonia felt her stomach start to do flips,

"Will we have to kill them?" She asked, Morris looked at her like she was crazy,

"Of course, it's that or they kill us." He exclaimed, Caledonia felt like she was going to die. She could not murder her sisters, the guilt would eat at her and she would wither away and die. Not only that but what if they gave away her secret? She walked to the bow of the ship,

"Et sorores mortalium miserere nobis, quaeso" She whispered over and over again, she felt them call to her,

"My sister, what has happened to you?" They asked,

"Many a thing has happened, I beg of you allow myself and these men safe passing." Caledonia replied, she felt them talk amongst each other,

"What shall you give us?" They asked,

"What do you desire?" Caledonia asked, they talked amongst each other and then turned to her,

"We wish for your heart..." They said, Caledonia shook her head,

"I can not give you that for I no longer have it." Caledonia said putting her hands to her chest,

"Then we shall not stop." They said, Caledonia felt panic swarm around her,

"Wait! I have the man that took one of your own." She whispered, all was quiet,

"Bring him to us and we will let you pass." They said, Caledonia breathed a thank you and headed towards the cells,

"Where are you going?" Morris asked, Caledonia ignored him,

"I know how to stop them. We need to sacrifice someone. So why not the man we have in the cells?" She asked, Morris looked at her horrified,

"I have never seen you like this...what is happening?" He asked grabbing her arms, Caledonia looked into his eyes, his love for her reflected in them,

"Please, trust me..." She begged, he nodded and she brought him up on the deck,

"Please please! Dia! Don't do this!" He screamed as she threw him onto the deck,

"I have him!" Caledonia screamed, a harpy landed on the wooden deck and approached her,

"Thank you sister." The harpy said, Caledonia stood deadpan. The harpy scooped him up in her talons,

"She's a-" He screamed before the harpy snapped him in half, Morris walked up to Caledonia and put his arm over her.

She watched as the harpys flew away, "thank you sister". Dia repeated it in her head over and over again, thank you for allowing us to kill a greedy man. That man had a mother and father and people who loved him and she had given him to death. She looked at Morris, she would have given them her heart if she could have. She would do anything for Morris, she would die for him. That night she tossed and turned when ever she shut her eyes there he was, screaming...begging. Caledonia got up, her oversized button up shirt came down to the middle of her thigh. She stumbled through the dark until she reached the Captain's quarters. She tip toed in and saw him laying there. He was only wearing his underpants and had three necklaces and his rings. Morris slept sprawled out, Dia pulled back the cover on the edge of the bed and slipped in like a ghost.

Warmth came off of Caledonia as she curled up into a little ball. Morris had felt her come in and pretended to sleep. He smirked, she had finally succum to his charms. He rolled over and looked at her as she had fallen asleep facing him. Her eyes were shut and she held her hands up to her neck. She didn't move at all, he reached out and pushed back her pale blonde hair. He noticed that there was a light scar a little above the center of her eyebrows. He furrowed his brow but shrugged it off and fell back asleep.

Caledonia opened her eyes and saw the Captain's quarters. She looked around and felt a weight on her and when she looked down she saw the Captain's ringed hand. She smiled and pushed herself even closer to him, she had never felt this calm and happy as she did now. She rolled over waking up the Captain who went to say something when she turned his head and leaned in. Their lips met and Caledonia felt magic fly through her, the same magic that she had felt when she was back in her forest safe and sound. Morris felt the magic race through him as well, like the day he had learned that he wanted to be a pirate. He had always felt safe in the wooden walls of his ship, his men singing and dancing. This was something new, something exciting for both of them. It was love, love at it's purest form.

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