The Stars Fade

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That night Caledonia was haunted by her past. She was in a cage, her hooves beat against the wooden planks. Her horn glimmered in the moonlight, the man from the forest pulling her along. He could sell her horn for a decent price, but the whole horse... That would fetch far more than a pretty price. Caledonia gave and up and settled down for the night, there was no longer any use. She woke up the next morning to the sound of children, she watched as forest man took money from other humans. They walked over to her and whispered, she felt something hit her and saw a child throwing rocks. She stood up and reeled back farther into the cage. The child laughed and ran away to more cages, there was a woman in a tank. She had the bottom of a fish and long red hair. Another cage held a bird the color of fire. And another one of her sisters, a harpy. Caledonia stopped looking and shut her eyes, it was too much to see others like her in a cage.

The next night Caledonia heard a buzzing by her ear and awoke. There was a little man, he was wearing a loin cloth and had long brown hair. He smiled and flew up to her face,

"I can get you out, give you a human body, give you freedom." He offered, Caledonia let out a little neigh in response. His smile grew bigger,

"Alright, you will only have this form for a year though. And with in that year you must find a special flower. This flower shall allow you to regain your form now or keep your new one. But be warned that if you do not then you shall become a unicorn again no matter how much you like your new body." He warned, Caledonia nodded and felt his magic swarm around her stinging her like a horde of angry hornets.

When the pain stopped she was laying in the grass, a human body was now at her command. The sun coming in from under the door woke her, she sat up and looked over to see Morris,

"Morning..." He said admiring his rings,

"Good morning Morris." Caledonia said slowly, "Can I help you?" She asked,

"Yes I think that you can... how do you know the man from before?" He asked, Caledonia's heart jumped into her throat,

"I do not." She lied, Morris lifted an eyebrow,

"Is that true because he says that he knows you." Morris hissed looking up at her, Caledonia stood up,

"I do not know him." She said again, Morris stormed towards her and grabbed her wrists pinning her against the wall,

"Tell me the truth..." He snarled, Caledonia felt her breathing quicken as the Captain's body pressed up against hers,

"I might have met him, but it was a mistake..." She spit, Morris looked at her questioningly and she met him dead in the eyes,

"I do not wish to speak of it." Morris stepped back his eyes the size of saucers as he realised what she meant. Although his assumption was not correct, Caledonia decided that was the best way to get him to drop the subject,

"I-I'm sorry..." He said rubbing his wrists, Caledonia smiled,

"It's quite alright." She said, "Are we docked?" She asked,

"Yes, now come, let us buy you some new clothes." He said holding out his hand, Caledonia took it and they joined the rest of the crew in the town.

When they returned to the ship the sun was setting. Caledonia walked across the gangplank her black boots making clicking noises. She had a cream colored shirt along with a pair of black pants. She had a blood red underbust corset with a black flower design and a brown piece of cloth tied around it to give the outfit a bit more flare. Her brown leather jacket stopped at the end of her ribs and her hair was parted off to the right and had a tiny fairy braid on the left side. She turned around and smiled at Morris,

"Thank you so much for the clothes, those silk ones where getting a little tiresome." Dia said, Morris smirked,

"Why don't you come over to my cabin and show me how grateful you are?" He proposed, Dia laughed,

"I will not mention my gratitude to you again Morris." She said getting a slight laugh out of Riley.

Dia joined the rest of the crew for dinner and the after dinner dancing. She tapped her foot and clapped her hands, Morris walked up to her,

"Care to dance?" He asked bending down and extending his hand, Caledonia gave him an inscrutable look,

"You know I don't dance Captain..." She said making him work for it, he grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

She let out a little bit of a yelp as he put his hand on her lower back and pulled her closer. He reached out and clasped her hand bringing it up, the musicians played a slow song and Morris lead her in the walts. She leaned her head on his chest, she was not wearing her coat and the sleeves on her shirt hung loosely before being brought back together tightly in the cuff. Morris was wearing his black collar shirt and red vest that turned back towards his belly button. He felt his heart ache, he wanted to kiss her. But the last time that he had tried did not end so well.

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