Forest of Fear

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Riley came in and tended to Caledonia's wounds and after some arguing between Riley and Morris, Morris went to take care of the man who had tried to kill Dia.

Riley stayed by Caledonia's side, he held her hand as she slept. Morris opened the door and shut in silently behind him,

"How is she?" He asked, Riley looked up at him,

"She is going to be fine, just as long as none of her wounds get infected. But I cleaned them pretty well so that is unlikely." He said reassuring Morris who had pulled up a chair next to him,

"I love her you know..." Morris said watching as her chest fell up and down,

"I know-" Riley started,

"No I mean I really love her...alot. I would do anything for her...absolutely anything." He sighed, Caledonia laid in bed. She was so beautiful sleeping, Riley left to take Morris's shift at the wheel.

Days passed and Caledonia healed, Morris stayed with her and they talked. Caledonia was covered in bandages and at first moving was painful. But as time passed she moved throughout the Captain's quarters. Morris came in late one night and Caledonia watched from his chair as he pulled off his boots, she stood up and walked over to him. She was only wearing one of his shirts and her underpants, her arms had scars from where the bigger pieces of wood cut her. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him close, no words were exchanged. She brought him to her lips and he put his hand on her hips and she held the collar of his jacket. Their lips met and his tasted of wind and hers of candy. Morris felt her hands move and he pulled off his jacket. She stumbled back pulling him with her. She smiled as they toppled onto the bed, he smiled and their lips met again sealing their love for each other.

That night Caledonia slept curled up next to Morris. Morris laid on his back and Caledonia put her head on his arm, both of her arms were tucked up close to her. Morris could feel her body move up and down as she breathed, he took comfort in having her by his side once again.

Caledonia didn't feel him start to shift, she was to enveloped in her dreams. She was walking out on the deck, Morris was there beside her. She felt someone grab her waist and she was gagged and blindfolded. She was thrown into the cells and it felt like days had passed, she felt her body start to change. Her horn sprouted from the scar on her forehead and white hide grew all over her as her bones shifted. She looked up and there was Morris, she ran out of the cell. He grabbed her and brought his knife to her horn. He started to saw and pain engulfed her head, like little hands picking at her brain. She let out a scream.

Morris woke suddenly to the sound of Caledonia screaming, she was standing by his desk. She was kicking and punching wildly screaming bloody murder. He jumped out of bed only in his underwear, he grabbed her and she sunk to the floor,

"Dia...DIA!" He whispered harshly, her eyes opened and she looked at him fear in her crystal blue eyes,

"I-It was a dream..." She said her eyes staring into him, Morris nodded. Blood trickled down her forehead, Morris brushed back her hair. Her scar had started to bleed, he grabbed a handkerchief from the table and pressed it to her forehead. She stared at the floor intensely,

"We are close..." She whispered not even looking up, Morris held her close and nodded,

"Aye, that we are." He said rocking back and forth.

Caledonia got dressed, she was wearing brown pants and black shirt with a red cloth tied around her waist. She slipped into her brown jacket and brown boots. Morris walked with her on to the deck, he held her hand as she put on a brave face. A light rain started to fall as the men stopped the ship. There it was... the Forest of Fear. It was at the base of a mountain and it's trees were gnarled, their branches twisting and coiling. Caledonia watched as they got closer and closer, Morris was holding her. He could feel her shaking, he pressed her even closer to him trying to calm her nerves. She felt safe in his arms, he was her rock...strong and always there,

"It looks horrible." Caledonia said, her words came out smoothly. Morris raised his eyebrows at how calm she seemed as she pulled away from her,

"Aye, you couldn't pay me to go in there." He said turning to look back at the forest, Caledonia raised an eyebrow,

"Only vengeance could make you want to go into a place like that?" She asked, Morris turned to her...she was twisting his words,

", I mean-" Morris stumbled Caledonia looking at him her arms crossed. A sharp wind blew her hair about her face, Riley approached them his long curls flowing in the wind,

"Sir we are as far as we can go." He said, Morris nodded and turned to Caledonia,

"Shall we begin our adventure?" He asked, Caledonia looked to the forest. She was scared, she didn't think that she would live to come out. Dia gulped, she only had a couple of days before she had to get those leaves,

"We have no choice..." Caledonia said looking to the two men she had grown to love each in its own way. Riley nodded and turned to pack some bags for them to bring with them. They would throw ropes and they would hopefully attach to the soil allowing for them to crawl across. If not then they would swing for a bit and be pulled back up onto the boat,

"There are only three ropes..." Caledonia noted, Morris nodded watching his men work,

"Riley, you and myself are the only ones going...the others decided not to go." He said, Caledonia nodded.

She couldn't blame them. The ropes were ready and the three of them stood, balancing on the wooden railings. Caledonia reached over and planted a kiss on Morris's cheek, he returned it with a grin. She watched as the man she loved crawled along the rope, Riley was soon after him. She pushed back her bag and went for it.

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