Dust Demons Screaming

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That night Caledonia snuck out of her room and went to visit her friend in the cells. She brought a candle with her, it was the only light in the pitch black. She felt the black picking at her, trying to tear off a chunk of sanity. She held the candle like a weapon, like it was the last thing that could save her. She approached him,

"Oh, I was expecting the Captain." He said standing up, he was covered in bruises. He was not wearing a shirt and had long gashes reaching from his shoulder to the top of his trousers. His blue eye was so swollen it was almost closed, Caledonia felt pity for this man. She looked at him,

"I have not told him." He said softly, Caledonia felt relief wash over her, "But it doesn't mean that I won't." She tensed,

"Caledonia, what are you doing down here?" She heard Morris say from the entrance, he walked over to her,

"We were just talking..." Caledonia said tears forming in her eyes, "Can you please leave us?" She asked turning to Morris,

"Caledonia it is not safe for you down here." He said placing a hand on her shoulder, "Come on lets go..."

"No!" She said smacking his hand off of her, "Please..." She said looking down at her boots,

"Alright... I'll be by the door." Morris said flashing a warning glance at the man, who smiled back. Morris walked to the door but then backtracked, he made sure to keep out of sight but was still in ear shot,

"Last time I saw you you had less clothing on..." The man hissed, Caledonia raised her head, Morris clenched his fist his knuckles turning white,

"How does it feel?" She asked, he looked at her puzzled, "Being on the other side of the bars." She clarified,

"You are still in the cage, you are on a time crunch... if you don't get that flower-"

"Enough!" Caledonia yelled, "I did not come down here to be told things that I already know. I came down here to warn you... if you utter a word to the Captain or anyone else, there will be blood, and I tell you now it won't be mine." She hissed, Morris stepped back. He had never heard her threaten someone. And what did she not want him to know, he walked to the door and waited for her to meet him. Caledonia eyed the forest man for a minute,

"What happened to the others?" She asked,

"They are still in cages, just like you should be!" He spat, Caledonia walked back to the door a look of anger and sadness on her face. Morris watched as she walked out onto the deck without saying a word.

Morris tossed and turned, his dreams felt too real. He was standing on deck with Caledonia, he was holding her. He felt happy, but pain flared up in his chest. He looked down to see Caledonia, her hand in his chest. More pain and Caledonia stepped back holding his heart. She started to squeeze and the pain in his chest worsened. He fell to his knees and she started to laugh,

"There will be blood, and I tell you it won't be mine." She whispered,

"If you tell the Captain..." Her words stung like a whip, Morris woke up and he was drenched in sweat. He stood up and walked to his desk where his flask was sitting. He brought it to his lips, sweat rolling down his forehead. He felt the rum fill his mouth and he swallowed. He paced back and forth, what was she hiding?

Morning came and Caledonia rolled over, she hadn't slept a wink. She stood up and got dressed, if he knew. He would keep her in the cells and wait until she turned back. He would cut her horn and sell it, or she would be forever caged. That couldn't happen, she would rather die than let something like that happen. He would not be her red bull, she would make sure of that.

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