They Will Stare Unbelieving

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The next day Morris tied Caledonia to him, she clung to his back as he climbed across, if he were to fall then they would both die. Caledonia did not wish to fall, she did not wish to die, but she did not wish to live either. Riley was first to get back to the ship, the men greeted him with pats on the back and gap toothed smiles. When the Captain's hand grasped the rail of the ship all the men raced to help him up. Everyone was glad to see him but their merriment stopped when they saw the hollow emptiness in Caledonia. The happy, joyful woman they had sent came back a shell of a person, a jail cell for the soul. They talked in hushed tones as Morris walked Caledonia to his quarters. Once there Caledonia sat down in his chair as he went to join his men,

"Am I what makes living bearable for you?" She asked looking up at Morris, he did not show surprise in his face when she talked,

"Yes." He said before exiting the room. Caledonia said nothing the next week, she sat in the Captain's chair. She drew pictures of her forest, of her friends, of Edward, of a life she could never have again.

Morris sat with his men and listened to Riley tell them stories of retrieving the flower and of the python. Morris laughed and the men began to sing and dance, he joined in trying to find something to take joy in. It was only when everyone stopped did he notice Caledonia, she was wearing a lilac shirt and white pants. Her hair was braided and she had a star shaped scar on her forehead, Morris turned around and all joy drained from his face,

"Caledonia..." He breathed shocked, she walked up to him,

"Morris..." She said her voice shaky and frail, she fell into his arms. Morris caught her and slowly brought her to the floor, her head fell to the right and he saw it. The cut that she had gotten from the arrow was red and crusty. The veins around it were black, he starred. The arrow had been laced with poison,

"I have to get her to my room, Riley help me!" Morris ordered, Riley appeared and grabbed her feet helping the Captain carry her to his room.

A Captain, his right hand man, and a unicorn. Two lovers all three friends, all in the room of the Captain. Morris held Caledonia's hand and Riley stitched up the gash that he had made in her cheek. Caledonia's eyes were shut, but Morris's were red from crying. None of the crew had seen him for a week as he sat by Caledonia. Riley had sucked out the poison, but he had to cut her open to do so. She laid in the bed unmoving, and during her time recovering she realised something. She had picked the right choice, she had chosen to feel. As a unicorn you do not feel the kind of love that humans do, you feel love for the earth and those that are born of it. But you do not find love for another of your kind, at least not the kind that humans do. And Caledonia realised that it was Morris that would make the prison she was in flower, it was he that would preoccupy her until death gave her release. She was walking man's road, but now she had someone to walk with her.

Caledonia smiled as Morris twirled her around, Riley stamped his feet and clapped his hands. Caledonia almost glowed she was so happy, the fairy had forgotten to mention one thing. That she would retain her magic, but it would only come out when she needed it most. Her wound had healed but she had a scar reaching the span of her cheekbone. Morris watched as the lilac dress he had bought her dripped down her bodice and spun out like petals. She smiled at him her lips pink like cherry blossoms. Two wisps of hair were tied back with a butterfly clip that had pink gems on it. It was mid afternoon and the men were celebrating the Captain's birthday. They had recently stopped off at a village and Caledonia had bought a cake. The men played shanties and Morris took in everything...he had never felt so loved, he had never been so in love.

Caledonia smiled as he pulled her closer,

"Happy Birthday..." She smiled, the sun was high as they danced on deck. The men all smiled and talked with each other, Riley picked up his bagpipes and started to play,

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