The Night Shade Falls and Makes the World Afraid

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Riley jumped as a hand grasped the side of the ship, Morris raced over to where Riley was standing, Caledonia hauled herself up and over the railing. Morris grabbed her pulling her close,

“Don’t ever do that again!” He exclaimed with fake anger, Caledonia let out a nervous laugh,

“Did I mention I really hate heights?” She asked chuckling insanely, Riley watched as Morris helped her walk. She was shaking like leaf and could hardly stand on her own. Dia heard the sound of swords hitting wood and she looked up, about 15 men had their hands up in surrender. Morris handed her off to Riley as he made orders to have them tied.

Riley poured Caledonia a glass of rum which she took. She sat in the Captain’s quarters still shaking, she had never been so afraid in her life. She shut her eyes and sat there immersing herself in memories, she remembered the man from the forest. He had come to her and ensnared her in a trap, she had struggled. She heard the legends about her people being herded to the sea by a red bull. She knew the greed of men, he was only after her horn. She heard someone enter and snapped out of her daze looking up, Morris took a seat next to her behind his desk,

“That was crazy...” Morris sighed holding his head in his hands, Caledonia nodded slowly,

“Indeed.” She agreed, Morris turned to her. They were alone now that Riley had left,

“Where did you learn to fight?” He asked, Caledonia smiled,

“I wanted to learn to defend myself so I climbed the highest mountain. At the top was an old man, he taught me how to be a skilled warrior, how to turn my body into my own best weapon.” She said, Morris nodded,

“So you didn’t learn anything about sword fighting?” He asked,

“I said my body was my best weapon, not my only weapon.” She said sending him a devilish smile. Riley knocked on the door and entered,

“We have found the Captain, if you er want to talk to him...” Riley said twiddling his thumbs, Morris looked over at Dia who shrugged her shoulders,

“Alright, tell him I will be right out.” Morris said smiling and getting up, he walked over to a full length mirror and brushed the dust off his leather jacket,

“Oh Caledonia, you have gotten blood on your clothes. When we stop I’ll buy you some new ones.” Morris said turning and smiling, Caledonia looked down at her silk clothes and noticed that the ends of her pants were covered in blood,

“That would be very kind, thank you.” She said smiling and getting up to join the Captain.

They walked out and all the crew looked to Morris and Caledonia. She was quite small compared to him, only about two thirds of his size. She walked beside him, not behind or in front of. The Captain of the crew that had attacked them stood in front of his men. He was looking down when they approached him,

“You the Captain?” Morris asked, the man nodded and looked up. Fear danced across Caledonia’s face, she turned an even lighter pale. The man smiled his yellow teeth showing and looked back over to Morris,

“Aye, I am the Captain.” He said a new spark of confidence illuminating his face,

“Why did you attack our ship?” Morris asked, Caledonia’s eyes grew as the man’s eyes fluttered to her. She looked at him and slowly shook her head, he had one green eye and one blue. His nose was more of a hook and stubble engulfed the lower half of his face. His hair was oily and a shade of dark brown,

“We just thought that you looked like you might have some... precious loot.” He said looking over at Caledonia again, Morris noticed that his eyes kept straying towards her. Caledonia took a step backwards, Morris watched as the two started to talk with their eyes,

“You are in search of the flower aren’t you?” He asked looking back to Morris, Morris tilted his head back,

“What is it to you?” He asked, the man shrugged,

“Nothing much, just a guess.” He said, his eyes jumped back to Caledonia whose blue, scared eyes seemed to be searching his,

“Take him down to the cells, the rest of you can either join my crew or join your Captain.” Morris said addressing the men, only two joined their Captain.

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