Look and See How She Sparkles it's the Last Unicorn

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That night Caledonia sat with Morris, she felt drunk in his presence. She hadn't seen him in two weeks. Morris held her close one arm over her and the other on his drink. Caledonia watched as the old crew welcomed the new members, pirates didn't always hold grudges. Morris planted a kiss on Caledonia's head and she looked up at him, his eyes were the color of hot chocolate and his hair always smelled of the wind. She loved the feeling of being in his arms, he was what made life fun, he made life interesting always keeping her on her toes. Morris looked into Caledonia's eyes, they were the color of a crystal clear lake like the one near his old home. Her hair was like sunlight, it fell from her head and onto her shoulders and then dripped down to her hips. She kept it in a french braid that Riley some how knew how to do. She leaned in placing her dainty hand on his cheek. She guided his lips to hers and Morris smiled as she placed a kiss on his lips,

"Are you sure it's safe for me to be kissing you?" He asked giving her tantalizing smile followed with a wink. She slapped his chest lightly,

"Of course it is silly!" She said grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in closer, she could feel his hot breath on her face.

She smiled as his warmth spread through her like water does giving life to a flower. Morris drank from her pool of life, he craved it, he was a slave to it. Morris got up offering his hand, Caledonia took it and they retired to his quarters for the night.

Caledonia stood with Morris as he docked the boat, Riley leaned on the railing only feet away. He watched as Morris got down on one knee, he pulled out a box. Caledonia stood there unable to move, he flipped the lid of the box, opening it to show a ring,

"Caledonia...I do not know what my life was like before I met you. I was just another air raider trying to succeed, I was just a man driven by one thing. Revenge. But meeting you, getting to know you. Yes, even chasing after you and waiting for you and nursing you back to health. Every move that you made, every word that escaped your lips, every breath you took I fell more and more in love with you. I saw you fight and knew that I didn't need to worry about you, that you could stand your own. Although I did worry and I do worry but I know that you are more than capable. We all walk down a road Caledonia, and I would like to walk down my road with you by my side. So Caldonia, will you marry me?" Caledonia eyes filled with tears, she nodded her head,

"Yes! Yes! Morris, I was a unicorn, living in the shelter of my forest. I never thought to go out into the world, I never knew what love was or that I could even feel it. I saw so many woman call to me, to bless them. I went to every single one of them, I watched as her lover held her hand as they walked away. I never craved that, but when I was turned into a human, and I went into that tavern and saw you. I knew what love was, I was a slave to it. I wanted to be with you, but I was scared and unsure. I worried about you all the time although I never showed it. And when the poison grew heavy in my veins I realised that you are what makes my life livable, you added passion to my life. So yes Morris, I would love to be your wife." Morris stood up slipping the ring onto Caledonia's slender finger. She wrapped her arms around him and he held her close. This was something better than treasure, greater than rubies and more beautiful than all the sunsets in the world.

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