Sentenced to Death (Chapter One)

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The chapters do get longer as they go one.

My name is Mathew. I live in a normal neighborhood with normal people like me. Or, that is what I had thought. My real storyline is explained when our neighborhood gets new neighbors who tell me the secrets of my family. Now, I on the run from the one person I never thought of running away from.

^There is more adventure to it then that, just to let you know.


Any copyrighted things such as brand names that I didn't make up don't belong to me!


Chapter One

I sat on a bench in the square right outside my house.  Children threw frisbees and ran around on the brick road.  The leaves were growing back all green and pretty.  I lived in a nice neighborhood.  Everyone was friendly, and nothing bad ever seemed to happen.  The brick houses were lined up next to each other on all sides of the square, each one two stories high.  Some had small balconies on the second floor right outside the two front windows.  My house was like that.

I lived with my mother, Claire.  She had short, curly black hair.  She was also tall and slim.  I had always lived alone with her.  My father, Andrew, had left me when i was only an infant.  I haven't  seen many pictures of him, and I can't remember anything about him either.

There where many children living by the square, but most were a lot younger than me, and I was thirteen.  The person closest to my age was my friend Colin, and he was fifteen.  He was also the oldest person living here apart from the grown ups and his older brother, james.  James was hardly ever here though.  He had recently moved into an apartment not far from here with his girl friend, Charlotte.

Right now, Colin walked up to where I sat on the bench, staring at the clouds above us.  I liked it when it was cloudy.  Whenever it was sunny, I felt weak and sometimes passed out.  My mother thinks I'm allergic to the sun, but I don't know if that is possible or not.  It might be.

"Hello Mathew," Colin said as he sat down next to me.

"Hey Colin, how's it going?" I took my eyes away from the clouds and looked at him when I spoke to him.

"Good, it's going good."

Colin had short blonde hair, and wasn't much taller than me.  I was pretty tall for my age.

I brushed some of  my short, wavy black hair out of my face.  "Have you met our new neighbors yet?" I questioned him.  A group of five people had moved into one of the vacant houses yesterday, but I hadn't seen them yet.

"No, they got here at night when I was asleep."

"Then how did you know when they arrived if you were asleep?"

"My mother told me," he said, smiling.

"Figures."  His mother was the nosiest neighbor in the neighborhood, she didn't miss anything.  One time when I had went inside Colin's house, I had seen a pair of binoculars by the window, and a telescope in the backyard.  Colin had said that the telescope was his brother's, who loves astronomy, but his mother uses it sometimes.

"Does your mother know how old the people are?"  I asked him.

"No, but none of them looked very young.  She said most of them looked older than me."  If the people were older than twenty, I classified them as a grown up.

We sat there for a second.  I stared at the house the people had moved into.  My mother would probably go over and welcome them to this neighborhood.  In fact, Colin's mother would probably join her and try and figure out these people.  I had always thought she would make a great detective.

It was getting later with every passing second.  My mother was making chili and I love chili.  She would be finishing soon, so I bade Colin good-bye and went inside.

Our house wasn't huge, but it wasn't tiny either.  The living room is off to the right when you enter the house, and the kitchen is to the left.  Two doorways without doors lead into the living room and kitchen.  If I followed down the hall I would reach My mothers study straight in front of me, an bathroom to the right, and a staircase to the left.  If I walked upstairs there would be another bathroom in front of me, my bedroom to the left, and my mothers to the right.  My bedroom was at the front of the house, so if I climbed out the window I could go out onto the balcony.  We didn't have a basement, or a place to do laundry.  My mother usually walks over to the place down a few blocks west that has many washers and dryers.

"Is the chili done yet?" I asked my mother as I kicked off my shoes by the front door and walked into the kitchen.  We have a glass door in front of the main door that swings shut automatically so I didn't bother shutting the main door.

Right when you walk in the kitchen there is a table in front of you, and all the other kitchen stuff to the right.

"Almost, wash your hands and get out the toppings."  I did as my mother instructed me.

When the chili was done and put into bowls, I put corn chips and cheese into my chili.  My mother put sour cream on hers.

Dinner was silent at first, but that didn't last long.

"Listen," my mother started.  "I'm going down with Mrs. Tate to meet the new neighbors tomorrow if you want to come."

Just as I thought.  Mrs. Tate was Colin's mom, and her and my mom are going down just as I thought they would.  My mom would go down to be nice and welcome them, while Mrs. Tate would go down to investigate them.

After dinner, I went upstairs.  After a few hours, I went to sleep, thinking as it started to rain.

Should I go meet them?  I was curious to see who they were, but what if they weren't friendly?  If that's the case, then they don't really fit in with everyone else in the neighborhood.  I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

I fell asleep after that.

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