The Calvary Hits The Road

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 “Whoever is summoning these ghosts must be using some serious mojo,” Sam pointed out as they pulled out of the hotel parking lot and headed into the night.

“He should have called us first,” Dean grumbled, “He's lucky no one has gotten killed yet. Three or four ghosts at each place? Coven? No one person can handle that.”

Sam shrugged, “Maybe. It's the only thing that makes sense.”

“What was this accident he was referring to anyway? Science doesn't make people turn into gas, or move fast enough to make a sonic boom. Does it? If it does, I need me some of that.” Dean looked at Sam, childlike glee in his eyes to match the huge smile on his face. “Dude, how easy would killing vamps be if we had super speed? Hell we could take out a whole nest in seconds and take the rest of the night off.” The smile faded as his jaw clenched, “What I could do to Crowley with super strength.”

“I looked it up, STAR labs built a particle accelerator that had some sort of accident. There was this huge shaft of light that shot up into the air but somehow no one outside of the facility was hurt.” Sam frowned. “Something like that should have leveled the city, I guess they managed to channel it up instead of out. From what Oliver hinted at whatever was released by that accident is affecting people.”

“Hey,” Dean warned. He'd caught the hint of concern in his brother's voice, “If they're not undead, a monster or a demon, they're not our problem. We have enough to do.”

“I guess. Still though, it would be kind of neat to see.” Dean's previous excitement started infecting Sam, “Be a nice change of pace, they are still people, even if they have some weird powers. No lore, no research. Super powers would be kind of cool to have.”

“Heh, as long as I don't have to wear a stupid costume,” Dean replied, “Oliver's is bad enough.”

“C'mon, you loved Superman when we were kids. You were always running around with a sheet cape back then.”

“Sam. I was like eight. Everyone runs around with a sheet cape when they're a kid. It's required.”

“I never did,” Sam pointed out, a bit hurt.

“You didn't need to, your hair was long enough to be a cape.”

“Shut up.”

Dean hid the laugh, “Just saying.”

“Anyway,” Sam resorted to pulling the conversation back to more serious topics, “All the reports Felicity sent were from the last month. There's no correlation with that and the Undertaking, some of the ghosts aren't even appearing in The Glades where they died. The ones that popped up in the middle of the day? That's pretty rare too. I wish he had called us sooner, I've got a weird feeling about this. They are getting more frequent this last week, like someone is picking up steam or getting more confident with what they are doing.”

“Yeah, I hear ya. Ghosts aren't really Oliver's thing so we can't blame him for ignoring it at first. It's been years since we've seen him. Sucks he lost his company to that guy. That had to be tough, especially with Felicity working for the new owner.”

“Well, ghosts might be a good thing for us to be hunting right now,” Sam hesitantly pointed out.

Dean sighed, “Why? I'm sure you're going to tie this to the Mark somehow.”

“It's, look. Ghosts aren't people, so you're technically not killing them. You've been a bit trigger happy lately, less actual violence might be a good thing.”

“Sam, I swear...”

“Don't start with me Dean. Just think about it. That's all I'm asking.”

They stared at each other, neither one giving ground, or so it seemed. Dean looked away first, Sam noticed what his brother was trying to hide.

“Fine,” Dean muttered. The tires swishing on the dark road was the only sound for the next few hours.

“Switch?” Sam asked as the sun started coming up. “I got some sleep over the last few miles.”

Dean guided Baby over to the side of the road. “Sure.”

They got out, stretched, walked around for several minutes and, as if in answer to an unspoken command, they slid back into the car without having to say a word. Dean slid down in the seat, leaned back and closed his eyes. Sam reached into the glove compartment, grabbed a pair of sunglasses and tapped Dean's arm.

“Here, we're driving into the sun.”

Dean opened one eye, saw the glasses, took them from his brother with a slight nod, put them on and settled back down. “Thanks.”

“Sure.” Sam pulled his pair on, put the car in drive and pushed the pedal to the floor.

Baby's tires spun, Dean ripped the glasses off and glared at him, “What the hell!”

“For the hair comment earlier.”

“Real mature Sam. Seriously.”

Sam merely smirked in reply and eased off the gas. Dean closed his eyes, put the sunglasses back on and Sam could tell by his brother's breathing that he had dozed off. Something about these ghosts is nagging at me. There's no deaths, nothing that would indicate a purpose for their appearance. If someone is summoning them, why are they doing it? Oliver said no one had been killed yet. Did that one attack Dig because they attacked it first? It doesn't add up. If Dean doesn't start talking soon I need to make him. I know what he is going through, why won't he let me in? He knows I know. He's so damn stubborn. It's not even pride anymore, that's long gone. After Kevin, whatever pride I had left, whatever delusions of control over myself I had was gone. All of this, the demon, everything. It's the one thing he always feared. Damn it. He has to let me in! I don't want to lose him now. Maybe I just need to knock some sense into him, literally.

The hours passed but no answers came to him. He pulled into another gas station and woke Dean up. “Hey. Get some food.”

“What? Oh, we're stopping. I'll drive the rest of the way. I'm good now.”


They walked into the gas station, grabbed the strongest coffee they could find, some snacks and got ready for the last leg of the drive.

“Sam?” Dean said as he started the car.

Sam recognized the tone, “Yeah?”

“You may have a point. I'm fine and all, really, but still. Hunting something that doesn't bleed may not be a bad thing.”

“Do you..”

“Nope. I'm good.” 

Knock some sense into him and soon. This has gone on long enough.

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