The Road Back Home - End

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( I thought this ending would be longer but I found that I wanted to get to the brother's ending. So it's short but still filled with feels.) 

The brothers spent a total of four more days at Dig's house. Oliver and Felicity came over when they had time, they binged on home cooked food and even helped take care of baby Sara. Felicity told them that Barry seemed to be dealing with what he'd seen but hadn't wanted to talk to her too much so she'd asked the other members of the Central City crew who said he seemed fine. By the evening of the fourth day Dean was getting restless and Sam knew that he'd been avoiding talking about what was really bothering him because other people were always around.

Dean was loading their bags on the morning of the fifth day and Dig joined him on one of his trips.

"Glad you decided to stay," Dig said. "You were looking a bit worse for wear when you showed up."

"Yeah, been a long year. Thanks, we needed it."

They tossed the last of the bags into the trunk, Dean pushed it closed and Dig ran his hand over the back of the car.

"Dean? Why not stay in town for a while longer. You don't have to stay with Lyla and I if you need space but being around something other than hunting and monsters seems to be doing both of you some good. Oliver won't admit it but I know being around my family is helping him find some stability again and you two have had it much worse than he or I ever did."

Dean sighed, leaned against the trunk and looked away, "Because the monsters always find us. You know about Sam and Jessica, I tried to quit too. It ended almost as bad. We've been at this for too long Dig, we've made a lot of enemies who have long memories and even longer life spans. People that care too much about us have a way of dying. It's too much of a risk for your family. We've probably stayed too long as it is." He turned back to Dig and saw the sorrow and understanding in Dig's dark eyes. "Thanks though, it means a lot."

"Well, my door's always open if you're ever back this way." Dig reached his hand out, Dean took it and they exchanged a quick half embrace.

"When we're craving lasagna, we'll call to give you and Lyla time to prep," Dean replied.

"Deal," Dig said with a chuckle.

Dean smiled, "Let's go get my lazy brother moving."

They headed back to Dig's apartment and walked in. Sam was standing using the crutches Dean had got him the morning he picked him up from the hospital.

"Ready?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Sam answered, "Oliver called to check in and I told him we were heading out. He said bye, he's in the middle of something or he would have dropped in."


Lyla wrapped her arms around Dean, "Drive safe, let us know when you get home. It was nice to meet both of you."

Dean held her tight for a brief moment then let go, "Thanks for feeding us, that's no easy task. Sam's a bottomless pit."

"Me?" Sam protested, "Look who's talking." Lyla hugged Sam and backed away.

"All right gimpy," Dean said. "Move it."

"Bye guys," Sam said, "Thanks for everything."

Dig nodded and Sam hobbled out the door, Dean followed.

Once they got situated and on the road again Sam looked at Dean, "Now?"

"You were right. It's not safe for me to have a gun. Once we get home we're hitting the books and taking a long break from hunting."

"What happened?"

"It's still there, the not me part of me," Dean looked at his brother and Sam saw there was no walls, no holding back, nothing but pure, bone deep fear. "Sam, I need help."

Sam reached across and briefly gripped Dean's shoulder. "You've got it."

Dean nodded, turned the radio on and they hit the freeway. Somehow just saying that made me feel better, like I can fight it. We'll get through this. Sam and I always do.


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