The Aftermath

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“Ready Sam?” Dig warned. “I numbed it as much as I could but you know how this goes.

Sam tensed, took a breath, tried to relax, gripped the edges of the table and nodded. Try as he might he couldn't stop the scream that followed a deep, violent wrenching that came from his leg setting off a chain reaction of fiery jolts of pain lancing through him.

“Oh God,” he panted while the edges of the metal table bit deeply into his palms.

“Worst part's done. We'll clean it, bandage it and get you to the hospital where they can double check you for skull fractures, stitch you up and get you a tetanus shot. Oliver will cover it.”

“I thought you were broke,” Sam stated, trying to take his mind off the pain.

“I'm a millionaire now, not a billionaire. It's been a rough adjustment,” Oliver quipped as he helped Dig wash out the wound and wrap it. “I prepped for someone taking over the company. Felicity helped.”

Sam finally managed to open his eyes and saw Felicity standing by him, worry making her gnaw on her lip. “Where's Flash?” He asked.

“He left. I think he watched what Dean had to do.”

“Oh,” Sam said, “He came through, did what needed to be done. I wasn't expecting that.”

“Don't be fooled by the costume and the age,” Oliver said, “He's got what it takes, although I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.”

“Yeah, true,” Sam agreed. “We're we ever that young?”

Oliver sighed, “Honestly Sam, I can't even remember anymore.”

“It feels like a different life sometimes, that's for sure.” Dig answered. “It's weird looking at my daughter and realizing that I was a baby once too, that there was a time in my life when I wasn't putting my life on the line.”

“Why do you Dig?” Sam asked. “You've got a family now. Why don't you quit? Oliver wouldn't hold it against you.”

“Don't bother Sam, I already tried to talk him out of it. He almost decked me with those huge fists of his.”

Dig smiled, “Damn straight I did.” He shrugged, “This is who I am. Lyla's job is just as dangerous. It comes back to saving people, doing the right thing. You know how it is. Besides, Oliver wouldn't last a week without me backing him.”

Sam laughed, “What about the new guy? The one who the other outfit is for.”

Oliver looked at the glass case that held Roy's Arsenal attire, “He's younger than Flash in a lot of ways. He's not nearly experienced enough for me to trust completely, not like Dig is. Enough talk, let's get you to the hospital. I'll text Dean where we're going so he can meet us. Felicity, call Barry, make sure he made it home all right and let me know.”

“I'm heading to the hospital too,” she replied as she gathered her things. “I'll call Barry on the way.”

“Sounds good. Ready Sam?” Sam nodded, Oliver and Dig helped him to the stairs, carried him up and got him into Dig's car. They laid him across the back seat so he could keep his leg more elevated, Oliver got in the passenger seat and they headed out.

Dean reached the abandoned building where Oliver had told him to go. He looked around, didn't see anyone, opened the trunk and looked down. I feel like I should say something, don't know why. Maybe because she was human, not a real monster, she was just making bad choices. Who the hell am I to kill someone over that? Leaving her like this, in a burnt out building, feels wrong. We do that to vamps, not people. For some reason image of the charred remains of the Roadhouse came to him. A lot of good people died that day, died because demons were after us. She was right, we have made a lot of ghosts, most of them are probably angry as hell too. Can't say I blame them. He sighed, picked up the limp body of a girl he barely even knew and carried her into the building. He moved some rubble and laid her down, as her head rolled towards him her eyes flew open.

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