Hunters and Horrible Aliases

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“Don't suppose she's a demon?” Dean asked, “We know how to handle that. They teleport.”

Sam stared at him, “Really?”


“Ever seen a demon summon six ghosts?”

“No, but there's a first time for everything,” Dean replied, a tinge of desperate hope in his voice. “No? Fine. Superpowered summoner it is.”

Oliver pointed at the bullet riddled door, “Perhaps we should have this conversation elsewhere? Response time here is about six minutes and we're down three.”

Sam nodded. “Good point. See you back at Arrow HQ then.”

After taking a rather round about way back to the club they settled in while the brothers filled them in.

“Wait, she teleported?” Oliver asked, “Like Castiel?”

“Yeah,” Dean replied, “She could be a rogue angel.”

Felicity's eyes narrowed in confusion, “Rogue angel? They have those?”

“Cas is technically one.” Sam pointed out, “Then there's Lucifer.”

“Why would they be here?” Dig asked.

“Well when Metatron slammed the doors to heaven...” Dean started to explain and was greeted with blank stares from everyone but Sam, “Never mind. Too complicated. Let's go with they got temporarily relocated here and some don't want to go back.”

“Doubt it Dean,” Sam countered, “All the angels we've come across have never done anything like this. She's not bringing souls back and putting them into bodies. She's calling ghosts, not only that, they aren't fighting her. Only time I've seen this is...” he trailed off.


“Ava, but she summoned low ranking demons, not ghosts.”

Dean's face stilled as the memory of holding Sam's corpse to him came back. “Azazel's dead and she's not the right age. Ava didn't teleport either.”

Oliver, Dig and Felicity were at a complete loss for words. Finally Dig spoke, “Is there any way we can narrow this down? I mean, we can throw holy water at her and see if she burns. If not, she's not a demon.”

“True,” Sam replied, “My gut is telling me that she's not though.”

“Mine too. Unfortunately.”

“Hey guys?” Felicity interjected. “There's something going on, it's a small tech firm.” She flicked through some screens and pulled up a traffic cam across from the building, people were streaming out of the building and although there wasn't audio it was pretty evident they were running in fear.

“People are calling the cops,” she continued, “Listen.” She pushed a button, panicked voices filled the air as the911 dispatch feed came through the speakers

“They're, I don't know!” A woman's shaky voice came across first, “I can see through them, Oh Lord...”

Another call came over, “I just saw my daughter,” a man's breathless voice, “but she's dead. How?”

“Send someone! Anyone!” A panicked, shrill female voice made them all jump, “They're going through walls! Stuff's flying everywhere! Help!”

“Where is this?” Oliver asked.

“35th and Vine, the cops are on the way.”

“Damn it!” Dean snarled, “They're out of their depth here.”

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