There's Always One...

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A small boy ghost appeared, it looked like his right arm and ribs had been crushed by a falling object. He silently stared at the brothers.

"We're looking for Cynthia," Dean said.

The ghost remained mute.

Sam took a shot, "We'd like to meet with her, here. We really don't want to keep hurting you or her but she has to understand that what she's doing is dangerous. Talking through you, controlling you, it's not right. You should be at rest and she needs to stop getting herself into trouble before things go too far."

The hollow look left the ghost's eyes, "Liar, they told me what you are. You're hunters." Cynthia's voice was faint but there was no mistaking the anger.

The brothers exchanged a quick glance and Dean edged even closer to the trunk.

"True," Sam admitted. "We do hunt monsters and ghosts but only if they're hurting or scaring people. If they're peaceful, we will be too. Cynthia, listen. Stirring up these spirits like you are, they will get stronger. Too strong for you to keep them in line. We've seen what happens when spirits become vengeful, people die. We're trying to prevent that from happening. We just want to talk."

A small wind picked up and the hand the ghost could move curled into a small fist, "No you don't. You want to judge."

"What gives you the right to control these spirits?" Dean asked, "Do you think they like to be your puppets?"

"I don't force them to do anything they don't want to!" Cynthia snapped.

"Really?," Dean countered, "You tried to force one to cross a salt line."

A few images tried to flicker into existence around the brothers but they heard a gasp from the boy and the other images disappeared.

"Still hurting from before huh? Here's the deal," Dean continued, "Two choices: You, not your ghost puppets, come talk to us or we hunt you down, take you and every ghost that's helping you out once and for all. We've got time to kill and have no problems burning and salting bones all week to put these things back to rest if we have to."

The ghost flung his head back and shrieked, a howl filled with unfathomable loss and fear echoed through the empty lot. It started to flicker and shake it's head. A small voice, not at all like Cynthia's started to speak. "They'll do it. Do what they say!"

The ghost faded and Cynthia appeared.

"Thank..," Sam started to speak but a red streak of light flashed past them, the gust of wind almost swept them off their feet and Cynthia was gone.

"Holy shit!" Dean yelled as he grabbed three shotguns from the trunk and he and Sam ran into the iron works. "That was so cool."

"Hell yeah it was," Sam agreed.

Oliver barely made it to the furnace in time. As soon as the ghost started to panic he started backtracking, when Cynthia appeared he gave Flash the signal and started running. A red streak passed by him, he pulled his stun arrow out of the quiver and nocked it while running. Flash circled the interior of the building once to give him time and as soon as he got to the furnace, Flash blew by him and Cynthia solidified inside. He fired the arrow, the current ran through her and she went limp. The net arrow followed instantly, it landed and deployed the net. By the time the brothers got there he'd just finished blindfolding her and Flash was standing next to him.

"Thanks for taking the extra lap," Oliver said.

Flash shot him a brief smile, "No problem, you move pretty fast."

"Coming from you, that's a rather large compliment," Oliver replied with a quick smile, then was all business again.

"I'm officially jealous of you Flash," Dean commented as he stepped into the furnace. "Super speed, awesome man, just awesome."

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