Meta What?

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“We should have brought our winter coats,” Sam said as soon as they walked through the doors. There was a thin sheet of ice on the interior of the windows, hard drives, monitors and lights were sparking and flickering.

Dean signaled for Sam to case the room they were in as Dean headed down the hall. A desk lamp flew across the room, Sam spun, spotted the ghost of a child and fired, wails of pain erupted from the corners of the room. “Dean!”

“You hurt her!” A male ghost shrieked as it flung Sam into the wall.

Another shotgun blast echoed through the room and the male ghost faded, more screams assaulted their ears.

“Damn it! Sam?”

Sam pushed himself away from the wall, “I'm good. What the hell? They care about each other? This makes no sense.”

“So, do we not shoot them now?”

Sam was about to answer as three more ghosts charged them, instincts took over. His finger squeezed the trigger three times, the ghosts vanished and they ran down the hall.

“Why is she here? Of all places?” Sam asked.

“Have no idea,” Dean replied as he looked around the corner before they ran down the next hall, “She already knows tech and ghosts don't mix, that watch she had on proves that.”

“It's getting warmer,” Sam pointed out, “Hold up.” They stopped in front of the directory on the wall. “Server room's down that way. She could be there. Maybe she's using the ghosts to clear people out while she hacks into something?”

Dean briefly lowered his shotgun in disgust, “Now that's just plain nuts. Using ghosts to help you steal crap?”

“Why not?” Sam's head tilted to the side as he ran the scenarios of how ghosts could be used for something like this, “It's actually pretty clever.” They reached the server room door. 

“Lovely. Door locked?”

“Needs a badge to swipe in. She could just teleport in there.”

"Thanks for the reminder." Dean muttered. 

Sam exhaled, his breath turned into fog, “Uh oh.”

“You shot them! How dare you!” Cynthia popped up behind Dean. Sam watched as she concentrated and raised her hand, “You'll pay for that assholes!!"

Dean spun around, aiming the butt of his shotgun at her head, something cold gripped his hand and every nerve in his body felt like it was on fire. He dropped to the floor, unable to speak or even move.

“Dean!” Sam fired his gun but the shell passed through empty air as Cynthia disappeared again. He yanked out a box of salt from his pocket and sketched a quick circle on the floor around he and Dean. Three spirits appeared in front of him, two women and a man, they started pacing around the circle. He reloaded and looked at them. “Let's try to talk this out. Who are you? Can you understand me? Can you speak?”

“Sam,” Dean croaked, “Shoot them.”

The ghosts reacted as one to Dean's words, ice coated the walls as anger and rage filled their faces.

“Shut up Dean, you're not helping.” She knows that we shot them, she knew there was four of us at her hotel. She's connected to them somehow, controlling them even when she's not here. “Cynthia? I think we got off on the wrong foot here. I'm Sam, the guy on the ground is my brother Dean. We're sorry we hurt them but they attacked us first.”

The smaller female ghost fixed him with an irritated glare, “We threw a lamp at you and slammed a door, that's hardly an attack. You had guns, remember?” The voice was oddly overlaid, Cynthia's snark filled anger didn't quite mesh with the ghost's hollow voice.

What the Hell? (Book 4 Arrow/SPN Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now