Sometimes, a Flash Of Inspiration is Needed

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 Felicity looked at the men, “Sam? You said she knew there was four of you at the hotel right?”


“But she was inside and only saw you two. She can talk through any of the ghosts and seems to be able to see what they see, sort of like how I use security cameras to watch Oliver and Dig. Do we know just how many ghosts she can access like this?”

Dean's eyes narrowed, “No and I'm not really liking where you're going with this.”

Felicity rubbed at her temples, not seeming to like where her thought process was taking her either. “How many ghosts are there?”

Sam and Dean shrugged. “It depends on if they stayed behind for some reason or moved on,” Sam answered.

“Not necessarily,” Dean countered. “If she was a psychic before this she could contact people beyond the veil, not just vengeful spirits. We both know souls don't just get stuck in heaven or hell and can't be contacted or brought back.”

The brothers looked at each other, Sam closed his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled. “True. Damn.”

“Guys, I'm not following you on this,” Dig admitted.

“What Felicity does, “ Dean explained, “except take away cameras and replace them with anyone who's ever died that's willing to talk to Cynthia. A supernatural surveillance network.”

Dig's eyes grew wide, he looked at Felicity's monitors, then her and then back at Sam and Dean. “Oh, that's not good.”

“Nope,” Dean agreed.

“If she's plugged in to multiple spirits when we try to trap her they could tell her that Oliver was sneaking up on her while Dean and I were playing bait,” Sam stated, “Hell, a spirit could be listening to us now for all we know.”

They all looked warily around Arrow HQ.

“Crap, good point,” Dean grumbled as he pulled out an EMF detector, turned it on and walked a quick circuit around the room. It clicked a few times but didn't squeal with any high EMF values. “Clean so far.”

“So now what?” Oliver asked.

“We need something she can't see coming,” Sam said.

Oliver and Felicity looked at each other. “We could ask,” Oliver said.

Felicity shook her head, “I'm not sure he's ready for this.”

“All he has to do is get her to the iron works,” Oliver stated, “We can handle the rest. I'll be in the furnace with the stun arrow set, he drops her in front of me. I stun her, we blindfold her and go from there.”

“You know he won't just leave after that.”

Oliver looked away, “That's his choice Felicity. I'll strongly suggest he leaves after he delivers her. He's taken my advice before.”

Sam and Dean watched the exchange with ever growing curiosity. “Care to fill us in?” Dean asked.

Felicity stared at Oliver, saying nothing. A hint of regret crossed Oliver's face as he looked away from her and at Sam and Dean. “The Flash. He could grab her and carry her to the iron works in a blink of an eye. I'm not exaggerating. They've clocked him running speeds in excess of seven hundred miles an hour. I think he broke the sound barrier a few weeks back. She shouldn't be able to teleport or call any spirits while going that fast.”

“Oh this I gotta see,” Dean said with a smile, “It takes a lot to impress me these days, that may just do it.”

“Wait,” Sam countered, “What did you mean he's not ready for this? What type of guy is he?”

What the Hell? (Book 4 Arrow/SPN Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now