No Simple Jobs

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 They got to the Club, Dig punched in the code and they walked in.

“Branching out your look there Oliver?” Dean asked when he spotted a black and red suit. “Looks a bit small for you though.”

“It's for someone else,” Oliver answered, “He may or may not join us for this. Not sure he's up to dealing with ghosts yet.”

“It's great to see you guys!” Felicity spun around in her chair, a warm smile on her face as she walked over and gave them quick hugs.

Nice to see you too,” Sam said as he returned her hug.

“Hey girl,” Dean joined in, “Keeping these guys safe still huh?”

“Someone has to,” she replied with a wink and returned to her usual spot. “So here's our possible ghost summoning people. Why you would want to summon one ghost is beyond me. I mean, it's not like they can do much for you.”

“Right,” Dean said, “Ghost 101 for you guys. Listen up. Ghosts can kill, they can move things, sometimes they can communicate, they are unpredictable and usually violent. This isn't Casper we're hunting. Think more slasher horror movie, but the slasher is dead and can disappear instantly, hurl things at you from across the room and then gut you for kicks.”

“Not all ghosts are like that,” Sam clarified. “But if this person is summoning ghosts from the Undertaking they may have unresolved rage which is what makes them violent.”

“Right, so PMSing ghosts,” Felicity muttered.

Dean laughed, “That works too.”

“Who are our possible summoners?” Sam asked.

“Here you go,” Felicity pulled six photos up along with their pertinent information. They scrolled through the options.

“Wait, this one.” Oliver pointed at a young woman, “Cynthia. She's from Central City.”

“Yes, why?” Felicity asked then paused. “Oh, that's not good.”

Dig and Oliver exchanged glances. “Could that even happen?” Dig asked.

“I hope not.” Sam stated.

“What?” Dean asked.

Sam took a seat next to Felicity, “Can you guys tell us more about this whole Central City thing?”

“I went there a few weeks ago,” Felicity said, “The accident released this stuff called Dark Matter which has changed a bunch of people. The Flash..”

“Oh?” Oliver asked, a small grin gracing his features, “They're using that name now? That's interesting.”

“Yes. Why?” Felicity queried.

“Nothing, continue.”

She shot Oliver an odd look and resumed her thought, “He can run hundreds of miles an hour, other people seemed to have been combined with something. One was in the death chamber being gassed and he can shift his form to gas now. There's been others too.”

Sam's curiosity took over, “What are they doing with these people?”

“, I'm not sure I should get into that.”

“Oh great,” Dean rolled his eyes, “Another 'secret' vigilante crew then?”

Felicity shrugged helplessly, “Sort of.”

“You're definitely a trendsetter Oliver,” Dean sighed “Wow. Okay. So the theory is that this Cynthia chick could be Dark Matter powered somehow?”

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