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i fiddle with the papers in my hand as i walk up the steps to my new apartment. i was nervous, a new city, new apartment, new roommate. i moved to new york with my sister, but when she moved back to oregon with her fiancé. i had to find a new place to crash at. and the first listing was a crappy 2 bedroom apartment with a roommate.
i got to the door and knocked hesitantly. a few second later, a tall guy with brown curly hair answered. he smiled at me and stuck his hand out.
"hey! you must be my new roommate! i'm kurtis." he says warmly
"hi." i smile and shake his warm hand.
he stands there for a while and snakes my hand.
"oh shit sorry! come in." he says and chuckles
i walk in and look around. it was pretty nice and clean.
"you wanna see your room?" he says
"yeah sure!" i say excitedly and follow him down the hall to a small room. he opens the door and chuckles.
"sorry it's so small, we can trade if you want! though, mine isn't that great either." he seems apologetic, i laugh.
"no it's okay, no worries." i say with a smile. "um, do you want to go over these contracts now?" i gesture to the papers in my hand.
"oh yeah of course!" he laughs and scratches the back of his neck. "you want some tea?" he asks and i nod, he makes us a pot of tea and we spend a while going over contracts and getting to know each other.
he said he makes videos for a living and he just got back from a 6 week tour. he shows me pictures of his family and i meet his dog, kiwi, who is the cutest thing alive.

after we're done he asks "hey, do you want to go to a bar tonight with my friends? they'll love you."
"yeah, that sounds great. let me just shower and unpack a bit. can we leave at 6?" i ask.
"oh yeah of course. whenever your ready." he says
"sounds like a date." i smile and go to the door to get my luggage.

hey! i'm extremely exited to write this book. i couldn't really find any kurtis conner fanfiction and i literally love him so i thought i would write one! i know he lives in canada but i love new york and think it's such a romantic city so😝😝. anyways enjoy! :)

roommates ~ a kurtis conner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now