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(at dinner with kurtis)

"okay what's wrong?" kurtis asks
i had been out of it the whole night. i felt awful but i couldn't help it.

"don't even start with that." he said "tell me what's really been bothering you."

"okay, don't get mad." i say hesitantly

"i promise i won't." he said, reaching for my fidgety hands across the table

"i just wanted to know..." i paused for a moment, unsure if i should tell him what happened. "what's up with carly?" i ask

he looks shocked and drops my hand.

"not to be like, that girl, because i know we're not even like, dating dating. you don't have to tell me, i just was curious." i say fast talking, trying to fill his silence.

he finally speaks up "no you have a right to know." he sighs, and looks away.
"we dated in collage and it didn't end well. we just weren't right for eachother. that's all there is."

"okay." i say "are you sure?"

"yes?" he says, looking confused "wouldn't i know?"

"yeah, it's just, nothing happened that would make her think you treated her poorly?" i ask

"what?" he says, saddness filling his eyes. "why would you even think that?"

"i don't know kurtis," i say, feeling bottled up frustration boil "maybe because it really didn't seem like things 'didn't end well' when you saw her downtown?"

"don't do that." he says sadly

"no! please tell me why you seemed upset for the rest of the day after we saw her? do you regret anything?"
i start to raise my voice "you know you haven't been honest."

"okay i know i wasn't honest after you met, i just didn't want to explain my past relationships to someone who i've only known for 3 months!" he says, starting to get up. "and you have no right to accuse me of something that you have absolutely no proof of happening."

"really? because carly texted me, telling me to 'stay away' and that you were 'controlling'. what about that?" i yell.
i realize what just came out of my mouth. i feel my anger shift into regret.

"kurtis i'm so sorry." i say, starting to reach for his arm. he steps back.

"you believed her? you thought i could be that person?" his voice was weak and hurt.

"i didn't mean it." i start to say, but he grabs his jacket and starts walking out.

"i'm staying at a friends tonight." he says, leaving without looking at me.

oh wow. oh wow.
me to me writing this: but... you did this for what?

i'm sorry if this is poorly written but i love you for reading it.

have a great day! sending love

roommates ~ a kurtis conner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now