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the next morning i woke up to my alarm going off. i sat up and felt a pain rush to my head. i grab my phone and see that i overslept to go to work. i jump out of bed and go to the kitchen to get some water.
"hey, how'd you sleep?" kurtis says, standing in the kitchen. his hair was still a mess and he was in his pajama bottoms.
"not great" i replied, filling up a glass.
"you hungry? i'll make you my hangover breakfast." he said
"yeah actually. thanks so much." i smiled at him "uh, what time did we come home last night?"
"around 11, you don't remember?" he asks.
"no, i was pretty fucked." i said as we both laugh. "i'm gonna shower really quick"
"sure." he says as he gets pans out to make his breakfast.
after my shower, i come out to pancakes and eggs, with a big glass of black coffee.
"i'll make your hangover disappear. i promise." he says as he makes me a plate.
my head is still throbbing. "kurtis you really didn't have to do this. i'm sorry." i say
"no worries! i don't have anything to do today anyway. i was just gonna edit all day" he says as he sits down.
"thank you. your so great." i take a bite out of the pancakes.
"holy fuck." i say "these are so good"
he laughs "secret recipe." he smiles at me. he is really great. but wouldn't it get awkward if we went out and lived together? he probably doesn't even like me.
my phone dings for me to get out the door.
"oh, i'm sorry i have to run to work. have a great day. thanks so much for breakfast." i squeeze his arm and run out the door.

roommates ~ a kurtis conner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now