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this is the next day 🥰

i wake up to my alarm going off. i rub my eyes and glance at my phone. i have an instagram dm.

[carly_xoxo] hey hon! i hope this is you, i wanted to talk to you. gal to gal!

i snap awake and go to her profile. it's all pictures of her at the beach or with friends, but this is definitely the Carly from yesterday.
i decide to ignore it for now and throw my phone on my bed as i get up to shower.

after i get ready, i walk to the kitchen to see kurtis editing on the couch.
"oh hey! good morning love. i made you lunch." he says brightly
"what! thank you so much. i don't deserve you."
i walk over to him and plop down on the couch next to him.
"what's wrong?" he says, looking up from his laptop.
"nothing. i just want to stay here with you." i say with a smile. i don't wanna tell him about carly yet, maybe i was overreacting.
he laughs and kisses my cheek "how about we go out for dinner after you get home?" he asks
"that sounds great." i say, grabbing my lunch and walking out the door.
tea is literally brewing ladies
i'm so sorry i haven't updated. things have been crazy but my school got canceled so i have time to write now yay! i hope everyone is staying safe. please be kind to one another. wash your hands!
sending my love

roommates ~ a kurtis conner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now