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at work, i stare at the message Carly sent me last night. i know i shouldn't worry about it, because kurtis has reassured me that nothing is going on. but i just have this feeling something is off.
i reply back

[you]: hey, yeah i think you have the right person.
she reply's within minutes

[carly_xoxo]: oh great! i just wanted to let you know some things. i don't think you should get involved with kurtis in any way.

[you]: okay, why?

[carly_xoxo]: he's a bad person. just stay away. i'm trying to help you girl!

[you]: uh okay
i can't really 'stay away'. he's my roommate.

[carly_xoxo]: what?
listen, we used to date in college and he's just so controlling and mean. i don't want another girl to go through what i had too! 😢

[you]: that doesn't sound like my kurtis.

[carly_xoxo]: i'm trying to do you a goddamn favor. take it.

i stared at the message on the screen for minutes. i didn't know what to say.

[carly_xoxo]: i see you got the point! talk soon? TTYLXOXO 🥰❤️

i roll my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket. she's probably just being over dramatic. kurtis would never do that. i know him.
he should be here to pick me up for our dinner soon. i better go change.
hiii! i hope you liked this chapter.
i tried to make carly kinda a bitch 😳
okay not kinda

how are you all? i've been binge watching danny gonzalez videos and eating my weight in postmated food! love that for me sis
also thank you for the kind comments! they make my day🥰
i hope you all are staying healthy💖💖sending love

also if you got the TTYLXOXO reference holy shit how are you i love you

roommates ~ a kurtis conner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now