10 finally good lord

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i was pacing around the apartment, fidgeting with the rings on my fingers.

kurtis hasn't answered my calls or texts since last night. he didn't come home this morning.

i couldn't sleep last night. i kept replaying our conversation over and over again in my head. how could i have been so stupid.

i try to sit down. i put my hands under my legs to stop them from shaking. i close my eyes and think about what to do.

i pick my my phone and call who i thought knew him best.

"hey! what's up?" danny picks up the phone.

"hey-" i start to say, my shaky voice cuts off.

"are you alright?" his voice shifts.

"yeah." i try to sound calm "do you know where kurtis is? we got in a fight last night and he didn't come home this morning."

"oh my god. no, i have no idea." he sounds worried. "i'm sure he's fine. maybe he needs time."

danny's words make me feel a little better. i take a deep breath. "okay. thank you."

"yeah. call me if you need anything alright? let me know"

we hang up and i tell myself he'll come home when he's ready. but something still tells me i should look for him. i get up and grab my keys, running out the door.

i drive around aimlessly trying to think of where he would be at. i checked our favorite bar and our favorite taco place. nothing.

i decide to check one more place.

i drive up the road and park my car next to the trail. i see his car parked there. i run up the little trail that leads to our secret spot.

"kurtis?" i say, wide eyed.

he looked like he got as much sleep as i did. his hair was messily laying over his forehead and he was in the same clothes as yesterday.

"hey." he says sadly. his voice broke my heart.

"i'm sorry." we say at the same time. i see him smile.

"your sorry? oh my god no. i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have let her get into my head." i start, i feel tears in the back of my throat.

"i'm sorry that i didn't tell you sooner. she means nothing to me anymore." he starts to get up, wiping the dust off his jeans.

"it's only you." he steps closer to me. my heart fills and i laugh slightly.

"thank god that's over." i say. he laughs and wraps his arms around me.

"okay let's go home. i'm so fucking cold."
heyyy. hey. how y'all doin.

not me disappearing for like 3 months

thank you all for being patient with me. i didn't think anyone would actually care ab this book 😳thank you for all your sweet comments. my heart goes out to you all. stay safe and wear a fucking mask like cmon mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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