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"ready to go?" i ask as i step out of the bathroom still trying to find my sneakers.
"yep! what are you looking for?" he asks
"oh just my sneakers. i swear i left them by the door." i say and shake my head.
he bends down and pulls them out from under the breakfast nook table.
"these?" he asks
"yes! holy shit thank you your a life saver." i grab them from him and slip them on and grab my keys and phone. "alright lets go!" i say and he laughs and catches up with me.

we haul a cab and drive into town. my mom calls me and i look at kurtis and laugh as i answer.
"hey mom." i say.
"hey honey! how are you? is your apartment good? is your roommate nice? are you staying safe?" she asks at once
i laugh and answer "good, yes, yes, and yes."
"oh good! what's his name?" she says
"it's kurtis." i say and glance over at him. he laughs and whispers "please tell her i'm nice."
i laugh "what's so funny?" my mom says
"oh, kurtis is here in a cab with me. we're driving downtown to meet up with his friends." i say
"oh that's great! so is he cute?" she prods
"what?" i say "oh you know! is your roommate cute!"
i look over at him, he is pretty cute. and sweet.
"yeah i guess he's cute" i say into the phone and chuckle as he looks up and points a finger to himself. i nod and he raises his eyebrows and smirks. i laugh and say "okay, i gotta go now mom. i love you."
"i love you too sweetie. talk tomorrow okay?"
"okay, bye mom"
"and i want to be on speaker phone with this cute roommate of yours!" she says as she hangs up.
i chuckle and put my phone back in my pocket
"your mom is so cool." he says as we pull into the road near the bar. i burst out laughing and touch his arm. he chuckles and looks at me for a few seconds before clearing his throat and getting out of the car. he pays and tips the driver and waves goodbye.
"oh god, let me pay half." i say as i reach for my wallet.
"don't worry about it." he says and smiles at me.
we go in a sit at a table with his friends he introduces me and i snake all there hands and sit down next to kurtis.
"hey! i'm danny and this is my wife laura. i'm glad to meet you." he says with a warm smile. i shake lauras and and she calls me pretty. she's so sweet.
"hey. i'm amanda." she takes my hand with both of hers "this is my husband drew. it's so nice to meet you, any friend of kurtis is a friend of ours." she says with a smile.
"we went on tour with kurtis." drew says
"oh no shit! that's so cool!" i say.
"so, round of beers?" kurtis says and gets up. "you wanna come with me?" he says and i nod and get up.
he orders 6 beers and turns to me.
"i'm sorry if this is too much. i didn't mean to-"
"no! your friends are so sweet. i'm glad to be here." i smile at him and squeeze his arm. he smiles at me and grabs our beers as we walk back to the table.

many, many drinks later we're all laughing and sharing stories about college or about the tour. i start to feel woozy and bubbly. i get up to go to the bathroom and stumble a little. laura gets up and walks to the bathroom with me.
"so, you and kurtis then?" she says as we get to the bathroom.
"what? no. what?" i say and drink some water out of the faucet. "we're just friends" i say
"oh please, i haven't seen him look at someone like that in a long time." she says as she reapplys her lipgloss
"really?" i say as a stumble my way over to the paper towels. "because he's kinda cute." i say and laugh.
"oh yeah. definitely." she says with a smile and walks me back to the table.

kurtis calls a cab and we say goodbye to his friends. i loved meeting all of them. i make my way to the cab and slouch in the seat. kurtis laughs.
"you okay?" he says with a smile.
"yeah i'm just so... tired." i say and rest my head in his shoulder as i doze off.
i wake up a couple minutes later to kurtis waking me up. he helps me out of the car and we walk back up the stairs to the apartment. i take my shoes off and then dive into bed. kurtis laughs.
"you all set?" he says as he turns off the light
"yeah. your pretty cute." i say and giggle
he chuckles "you too. now get some sleep." he says and shuts my door.
boom. i really like this chapter. did you notice i didn't use Y/N? i just feel like it takes me out of the story and doesn't feel natural. if they absolutely need to use your name i will use it however.

roommates ~ a kurtis conner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now