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it had been a few week since i moved in. we were both settling in nicely and kurtis had met my friends. we hung out with drew, danny, amanda, and laura almost every night. i was getting home from work one night when i saw a note from kurtis on the counter.
left to get chinese. movie night? :)
i smiled to myself and got changed. i sat on the couch waiting for kurtis to come home.
he came through the door with arm fulls of food. i rushed up to help him and we both giggled and talked about our days as we got ourselves a plate and got situated on the couch. we picked a movie, and started watching, cracking jokes and pointing to the cutest and ugliest characters and saying 'that's you' every few minutes. i shivered in my tee shirt.
"you cold? share my blanket" kurtis said
i scooted closer in as he put his arm around me and threw the blanket over us. i rested my head on his shoulder.
the movie ended as i was drifting off.
"you awake?" he said softly
i whimpered and buried my head in the crook of his neck. he chuckled and pulled me closer. we drifted off together, music softly playing from the tv.
THIS IS SO CUTE UHHH. i'm sorry this is short but ITS SO SWEET. 🥺🥺🥺

roommates ~ a kurtis conner fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now