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He was beautiful. Thick brown hair flipped across his face everyday, his perfect black lip ring curving around his lip perfectly, perfecting his face. He wore black skinny jeans, usually long sleeve shirts or loose muscle tops with something thrown over it, long sleeve.

He was an outlaw, reject, he looked like he could have been a drop out, if he wasn't in school. His mysteriousness had a way of making its way around, making me curiouser and curiouser every moment. He looked like he could have be a villain in a movie, the ones that trick you into doing things. I think I was tricking myself into this.

He sat, slouched, in the dark navy blue plastic chair attached too a light brown square desk. He wasn't paying attention to the class, I don't think he even knew what class it was. That's what made him beautiful. The fact that he didn't care. I didn't know his name, I really wanted to, but I didn't.

I sat in the seat infront of him, across from my best friend, Haiti.

Haiti was gorgeous. She had perfectly tan skin that looked amazing in any light. Her short brown hair streaked with different shades of blonde didn't even need to be done, it looked great any way. She was the perfect size and weight. Everything I wanted to be. She was my idol but I've never told her that. I admired how enthusiastic she was about everything and not to mention she was amazing at painting, singing, and almost everything else.

I didn't realize I was staring at him until he spoke up.

"Need something, popular?" He said with ignorance.

"Popular." I hate when people call me that. It is such a label. I'm only "popular" because I'm best friends with Haiti which she just happens to be the captain of the cheer team. Before I couldn't handle all the perkiness, it was almost unbearable, but you get use to it. Kind of like shaving your legs, it is annoying but you get use to it.

"Oh, sorry..." I muttered silently, just enough for him to hear. He looked confused at me.

"Are you going to turn arou-" he almost finish his sentence before the teacher interrupted.

"Ms. Anderson? Mr. Mathews? Is there something you too would like to share" the teacher stopped teaching and Questioned us.

He didn't answer. He looked down at his paper rolled his eyes and continued doodling? Writing? I couldn't tell.

"No sir" I muttered as I looked down at my paper also. Scribbles filled my page more than the material we were learning. 11th grade was hard.

The teacher continued teaching as I tried to pay attention but he kept blocking my ability. Why am I like this! Ugh!

I wish I could move seats. His scent filled my nose constantly. It wasn't like he wore too much cologne of anything, he smelt amazing. That sounds incredible freaky but it was true. It smelt like, lemongrass? I bit my lip as I took a deep breath through my nose.

"Class dismissed..." The teacher said nodding us out as we had already began leaving. I walked down the hallway to grabbed my books from my locking which was conveniently on that floor.

I unlocked my locker and pushed old books and pulled new books out as I headed to my health class.

I recognized the familiar scent of lemongrass as I saw him walk by with, health books. I didn't realize he was in my health class. How could I not notice?

I walked a short distance behind him as he trotted down a flight of stairs as I followed. We reached a long stretch of hallway, he looked behind him, noticing me.

He turned his body and slowed his pace. "What the hell? Why are you following me?!" He asked confused raising his voice in the semi crowded hallway.

I blushed. I'm positive I looked like an idiot standing in that hallway, health books held close to my chest tightly.

"I'm.. going to my health class?" I said confused as if I didn't know I was following him. I don't think I was very convincing.

He spun around and fastened his pace as did I.

"Was that the wrong answer?" I asked giggling a little.

He didn't answer and I could tell he was annoyed at my little joke. Not funny Hunter.

I entered the cold room and took a seat in front of him, as that was the only seat available. Even if it wasn't the last seat I still probably would have sat there.

I heard him sigh and I could tell he had face-palmed himself.


About 50 minutes of the class had passed and she was explaining the assignment we were going to be given.

"Ok, we going to be doing a project with marriage" she explained and the whole class booed.

"Ok, ok, I know you kids are all about the "hooking up" and "quickies" but there is going to be a time when you will want to settle down and start a family so we are trying to prepare you for that." She explained. The class (mostly the guys) whooped at the words "hooking up" and "quickies"

I couldn't help smile as the teacher said that sentence. It was funny hearing teachers say that kind of stuff.

"Ok anyways back to the assignment, you will be partnered up and given a challenge, either sickness, injury, job trouble, stuff along that line alright?" She explained more.

She started stating partners as some "booed" and some cheered at their partners.

"Hunter Anderson and... Trevor Mathews.. You have illness" she stated as my heart actually skipped a beat. I swear it skipped.

Trevor! That was his name! Ahh... Trevor... I was ecstatic! I can't believe we actually got partnered up.

Trevor held up his hand, holding up his sleeve with 2 fingers, making sure it didn't fall down.

The teacher called on him as he stated his question.

"Aren't you suppose to marry someone you like?" Trevor asked and a laugh escaped his lips as did the rest of the class. She rolled her eyes as a laugh escaped her lips as well

Ouch... That stung a little.

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