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"How do you want to do this, Trevor?" I asked as we walked out the door of the cold classroom.

"Oh yeah my name isn't Trevor" he said with a laugh.

"Well what is it then?" I asked confused as to why the teacher would call him by the wrong name.

"Ashton, the teacher always mixes me up with my brother, he use to go here but transferred to a different school" he said with a chuckle as we made our way down the very crowded hallway.

"Ok, Ashton, how do you want to do this?" I asked once again.

"Uh... Here," He said pulling a paper and pen out of his binder then quickly writing a number down before finishing his sentence. "Just text or call me when ever your schedule isn't too busy..." He said handing me the white paper with blue smudged writing on it.

"I'm free when ever, you know. I'm not like that. I'm not popular, in just well known..." I said rolling my eyes a little.

"Sorry, geez.." He said in an also annoyed tone whilst he put his hands in the air as a "surrendering" sign.

"Ok I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just don't want people thinking I'm a bratty popular kid." I explained as we rushed up a flight of stairs.

"Ok well, I don't think you're a bratty popular kid, I just didn't know if you had any sports or anything.." He said as we trotted up another flight of stairs.

"What class do you have?" He asked as we reached the hallway with my Locker.

"Um.." I reached my schedule out of my bag and looked at it before answering him. "Biology.." I said as I shoved it back into my bag.

"I have chem, so maybe I'll see you around? Remember to text me." He said as I we approached my locker.

"I will..-Well this is my stop." I said laughing a little at myself as he joined in.

"Ok. Later." He said with a smile as we parted ways.


I walked home in the chilly air as it brushed against my face. The slow approach of my feet hitting the cracked, cement sidewalk. I had myself bundled up in 2 sweater/jackets and my tall Uggs hugging my feet and legs. My hair blew around whilst I attempted to control it even though I knew I probably wouldn't be able too. I tucked my hair into my jacket as I propped the hood on top of my head.

I walked through the shady trees as I felt something cool and wet land on my face. Before I knew it, it was pouring rain and I was soaked from head to toe. I continued to walk determined to get out of the rain storm but some how I seem to have indulged in it. There was beauty in rain. It made me feel clean and fresh when ever a drop would fall onto me. I soon found myself dancing. I didn't usually dance in the rain but hey? Why not? My tight leggings hugged my thighs tighter than before. I took off one sweater and held onto it with one hand. My grey sweater I was wearing under it was sticking to my body also. My hair dripped the little rain drops as they fell onto it creating a continuous loop. I stuck my tongue out to catch some of the drops. The sound of almost pittering was created as the round drops fell onto my tongue softly.

It was still cold but bearable. The dancing warmed me up some. Soon I saw an old truck that looked like it was approaching me. Usually I would have been scared, maybe even ran, but I recognized that truck. It pulled up against the sidewalk where I was. A young man rolled down the window as I approach the vehicle.

"Um ma'am? I don't think you realize this but it is pouring rain.." Ashton peaking his head out the window as he spoke, pushing down his dark sunglasses from his face, exposing his eyes.

I looked at myself covered in water then up at Ashton and let a small laugh exit my lips as he did too.

"Get in.." He said laughing as he opened the door for me without exiting the car.

"Thanks.." I said laughing before I finished my sentence. "I'm going to get your seats all wet" I said laughing some more.

"I think I will live" he said laughing also.

"Where too?" He asked as he put the small truck into drive.

"What time is it?" I asked not answering his question just yet.

"Umm.. 5: 16, exactly" he answered As he checked the time on the truck radio.

"Great. Crescent park" I stated as he looked at me confused.

"Why crescent park?" He asked while pushing on the brake pedal.

"Just trust me." I stated as I smirked at him and he began heading that way.


He pulled up to the entrance of the park, raindrops still splashing off the windshield.

"Now what?" He asked whilst I opened my door already getting out. I rushed over to Ashton's door and opened it, pulling him out.

"Hunter! Your going to get me soaked!" Ashton exclaimed as I pulled him into the park by the hand, he wasn't showing any signs of resistance.

I pulled him into the centre of the park as the raindrops soaked his hair. We stood in front of the huge, aged, fountain, water pouring out from on top of it. He smirked at me and leaned towards to me. Was he going to kiss me?

He leaned closer to me, centimetres away and... Flipped his hair like a dog! Water splashed everywhere, splashing my face and covering my face in small drops of water.

"Oh! I'm going to get you now!" I yelled as I filled my hands with water from the fountain then quickly splashing his face with the cold water.

He let out a high pitch squeal then running away goofily.

I ran after him laughing loudly as we came to a small children's park.

I was soon beside him as we both stared at the park, thinking the same thing.

He turned to me whining like a little kid, pulling a small puppy dog face, lip sticking out lightly, his black shining lip ring curving with it.

"Ok..." I said with a laugh as he grabbed my hand and we entered the children's park.

He pulled me over to the double slide as we both got ready to go down them.

"Race you." He said with a smirk as e began counting down. 3... 2..... 1!!!!

We both zoomed down the double slide and slipped right of the end of the slide due to the rain still falling. We landed a couple feet away from the end of the slide.

"Woah.." He said getting up and acting dizzy, like a little 5 year old boy.

I sat on the black tire bedding and threw my head back laughing,He soon began to join in.

We just laughed like we were high, like if we stopped laughing the world would end. Everything seemed as if it was in black and white, but we were in screaming colour.


After about 2 hours of non-sense at that little park we at my house.

"Thanks... I had a lot of fun." I said as I opened the door of the small aged truck.

"Anytime.." He said getting out, walking with me to my door. The rain has stopped a while ago so we were pretty much dry.

I kissed him on the cheek, slowly, but more like a peck. Electricity shot threw my body as I went into my house.


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