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"W-why?" I managed to mutter out shyly. I'm not sure I wanted to know why but it was too late. I was scared. Weak. Frustrated. His face was filled with regret. We were still in the tree fort. It was around 1:00 am. I didn't know what to think about all this, how I was suppose to feel, what I was suppose to say. It felt like a big explosion blew up in my face and it was my job to pick up all the little pieces.

"It's- it's a long story." He finally muttered out, preparing himself to tell the story.

"We have time..." I said quietly trying to be sensitive to his fragile heart. I too was preparing myself

"It started when I was 13." He said with a sigh of regret.

"This has been happening for 4 years?" I ask shocked.

"Yeah.. It's gotten better though.." He said as he adjusted his sitting position.

All I could think about was his cuts. They popped into my mind every time he spoke. If this is better, I would hate to see worse.

"Ok.." I said hoping he would continue.

"My dad left 6 months ago. He-he hurt me, hunter. He would come home late at night, drunk and aggressive and-and.." I saw tears form in his eyes as he thought through the words he was going to speak next. It hurt me to see him like this. The cute shy boy I met on that friday of school, is someone I would have never expected him to be.

"You don't have to continue..." I finally spoke figuring it would hurt him too much for him to talk about it.

He took a deep breath and spoke.

"No, someone needs to know and I want it to be you." He said with a half smile.

"Ok." I said with a half smile.

"He would take off his belt and hit me, usually in the face. I still remember the metal studs piercing my skin. It was wrong to think it was my fault I made him angry but I did." He continued.

"My mother however, was oblivious to the situation and was in love with him. When my mother wasn't home he would, he would have other women in the house, sometimes more then one. He-he was a pig. An unthinkable cruel man, but my mother would never believe me when I said he was cheating, and when he found out I was telling her he threatened me and beat me more." He spoke at first quietly but more aggressively through the story. Anger seemed to build in his eyes.

I let out a breathe that I forgot I was holding in and hugged him. I hugged him tighter than I've ever hugged him. I didn't want to lose him, I felt like he was leaving me. It was scary to be in his situation but I wasn't going to leave him. Never.

"Come on, we have school tomorrow."

And so we left, he took me home and to be honest, I'm glad I left that tree house. I needed my bed, sleep.

I didn't know what to feel. I didn't know whether to be sorry for ashton or to be furious and frustrated at Trevor for lying to me about Ashton's dad. Was he trying to sugar coat it? Or maybe he didn't know.. I'm not sure I even know.

Ok super short chapter I know! But it was kind of a filler cause some seriously stuff is gonna happen soon like a drama bomb is getting ready explode like omg. POOR ASHTON! Omg I just want to hug him and then find his dad and kill him. Hehe :) anyways sorry my updates have been slow like omg. I think the chapters might get a lil short but they will still have lots of deets and stuff so yeah hope you are enjoying my book lol. Love you guys!

Xoxo Brookie 💚

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