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✩tree fort✩

So here we were, at a cheesy old fashioned dinner eating surprisingly good pancakes, talking about school, family, and random things.

"Ok so do you have a dad?" He asked with a mouth full of pancakes.

"No, he left when my little sister was 4, divorce.." I said shovelling a fork full of pancakes into my mouth.

"You have a little sister?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, her name is Emia, she's 14" I say stuffing my face full once again.

"Is she hot?" He asks casually.

I nearly choke on my food.

"Ashton!!" I yell almost too loudly.

"I'm just kidding!" He explains as he laughs.

"You're the weirdest guy I've ever met!" I laugh throughout the sentence.

I take my last bite as does Ashton and we place our plates into each other.

An unamused and obviously bored waitress makes her way slowly to our granite-looking table.

She collects our plates as she chews her gum way to loudly and sloppily. I watch as she makes her way slowly to the counters. I examine her outfit, style of hair, with an almost disgusted expression on my face. She has to be at least 17, most likely a spoiled brat. The light pink uniform she wears is done up sloppily, exposing way to much cleavage. Her blonde hair, teased up in a pony tail, looking almost as hard as rock from all the hairspray she most likely uses. Her makeup is done messily, almost like a dump truck dumped it on her face. High pink eyeshadow smeared up to her eyebrows, her eye brows filled in way to dark. Lips dark red. It wasn't pretty.

"Stare much?" Ashton asks laughing as I flinch my neck back his way, a surprised expression still on my face.

"Oh, sorry." I quickly reply.

"You think she's hot?" He asked once again casually.

"Oh my gosh! Ashton!" I laugh the words out.

We laughed. A lot. Almost the entire time we were at that cheesy restaurant , with the disgusting waitress, and the old fashioned booths. Some how it was perfect.

I looked at the time as we got ready to leave the restaurant. 7:47pm. 3 hours have passed since I first went to Ashton's.

"I want to show you something." Ashton said kind of quietly, as if it were a secret message being passed from spy to spy. He held my hand loosely as we exited the restaurant.

He opened the door to the old pickup truck for me, acting like a gentleman.

I sat on the soft black leather seats inside the small truck, it was comfy needless to say. The seats were cold when my legs first touched but soon got warmed up.

Ashton was a crazy driver, almost reckless. He drove on an unfamiliar rode. The sound of rocks hitting the metal truck was faint but there. I knew we were on a gravel road, we didn't go to that restaurant on a gravel road.

We parked in the middle in front of a long row of tall trees. There was an exposed path near us, I knew he was going to make me go into it. I'm not going to lie I'm not a thrill seeker, to be honest I don't even like roller coasters. I know I know "hunter!!" But really, I throw up every time!

He looked at me with a large smirk on his face. I knew this smirk.

"No no no no no!" I say as he threatened to open the trunk door.

"Ashton no! I'm serious! I'm not getting out this fucking truck! I mean it ashton!" I say crossing my arms and holding my ground as ashton opens his door and makes his way not very sneakily to my door.

He opens it and smirks, while laughing at this situation, which is not funny for me!

He reached his hands under my body, picking my up like we just got married and we are walking out the the church and making our way to the limo that usually said "just married"

"Ashton!" I yelled as he pulled me out of the truck, I tried hitting his large arms, hoping he would let me go. It was no use.

"Fuck you." I said blankly.

His face turned to pretend hurt as it soon went back to normal.

"Someone's feisty" he said laughing.

He held me tightly, making sure not to drop me. I stopped struggling and giggled as he carried me to the beginning of the path.

My feet plopped onto the wet ground, getting my black toms wet, which was a bad idea to wear tonight.

"But-but it's dark.." I said with a shakey voice as I peered down the dark, cold path, linking to his arm in fear.

"It's alright. Just hold my hand" he said reassuringly as he grasped my hand, I held onto it tightly as we slowly entered the dark path.

As we crept through the dark path, ashton reassuring my every minute, making sure I wouldn't back out.

"You are horrible at being romantic!" I giggled as we ducked under a low tree branch.

"Trust me, it's worth it." He said reassuringly, once again, as we continued to walk through the mushy, dark path.

Soon I began to see a glowing light. It was faint, but it shown through the leafless trees.

"Ashton, if you are leading me to the after life, I'm done." I said serious at first but then giggling as he did too.

"No.." He paused to laugh before finishing his sentence.

"We are almost there." He said leading me, squeezing my hand tightly.

There was a clearing when we exited the small dark path. There was a large tree in the middle, bigger than any other ones. There was a small hut propped up in the tree. Lights beamed through the windows, illuminating the forest. There was a small ladder leading up into the small fort. Paper lanterns lined the bottom of the roof top, adding onto the beauty.

"A tree fort!!!" I yelled almost at the top of my lungs.

"I knew you would like it." He said smiling.

"Like it? I love it!" I explained excitedly.

I hugged him as I kissed his cheek, grabbing his hand as I pulled him towards the tree fort, excited to go in it.


Sorry for the horrible update! Omfg I'm bad. I'm a horrid person. )3
I tried to make it long for you! You guys know what I do for you??!! I wrote while I peed, at school! I got in trouble you little lemurs! Good thing I'm a forgiving person or I might have wattpad slapped you! Anyways that's all, I'll be here all Thursday.. 🙏🙌👼

Xoxo Brookie 💚

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