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I stepped out of my car, exhausted. It was 12:30 and I just pulled up into the drive way of my house, after a long night at Ashton's. It was fun for the most part except for the part where we had to unclog the toilet. I shiver.

I wrap my (Ashton's) large grey sweater around my body as the cold temperatures sting my skin. My breathe is visible in the dark sky.

My house lights are off. I pray I won't wake anyone up.

I slowly turn the bitter cold metal door handle. I creep into my house slowly as I make my way through the kitchen, grabbing a pop tart, creeping down the long hallway, and into my bedroom.

I flick on the white light switch, a sigh of relief escaping my lips a little too soon as I see Emia sleeping, in my bed.

She wakes up groggily, then perking up as soon as she sees me.

"Emia! Why are you in my room?!" I try to be quiet so I whisper-yell.

"I wanted to try your bed out!" She says defending herself.

Emia is 14 and a pain in the ass at the least. She looks like me, but smaller. People often call her little hunter. It annoys the shit out of me but I act mature about it.

"Get the hell out!" I command but she doesn't move. Stubborn.

"Someone obviously didn't have sex.." She said annoyed as she slowly uncovered herself from the covers.

"Oh my god, get out!" I raise my voice and at that my sleepy mother walks into my room.

"Oh, welcome! Welcome to the family reunion!" I say annoyed throwing my hands up in frustration as I step aside letting my mother in.

"Girls, what is going on here?" My mother asks in her "mother" tone of voice.

"She's sleeping in my room!" I said in a loud tone of voice.

"Ok, Emia out.." My mom stated as her final decision.

"Ugh!" Emia stormed out of the room, annoyed and frustrated.

"Thanks mom.." I say quietly as I hug her, her warm pink robe rubbing against my still cold, red, face.

"Goodnight baby." She said as she exits the room.

I close the door and lock it. I don't need anymore interruptions tonight.

I slip of my black leggings and my sweaters. I have a tank top on and my underwear. These are my pyjamas tonight. I turn off the light making it much darker but I can still see somewhat clearly.

I grab the sweater ashton gave to me, stating it would be cold and he didn't want me to get sick. I slip under my covers, his sweater still in my hand. I fold the sweater neatly and place it underneath my pillow. I cover myself up with the blanket and lay onto my cold, comfy, pillow.

There is so many things I wonder about ashton. How could I kiss him? I haven't even known him for very long. It seems like I've known him for a long time. Why does he always wear long sleeves? He looks hot in them but why does he always wear them? Why do I want him so bad? I feel like a part of me wouldn't be able to survive anymore if he were to leave. Why do I need him? I don't know, that's the only answer I can give.
Are we dating? I want to, God do I want to.

All I know is he is my oxygen now. I rely on him, that's the bad part. I always feel like I'm missing something, like he isn't telling something. That's why I shouldn't need him, but I do.


Sorry for the short chapter guys I know it's kind of boring but it will get better I promise! I will spice it up a bit soon! I love you little chicken nuggets so much! 😍😍😘😘

Luv from= Brookie😘

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